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MINUTES <br />CITY OF HUGO <br />CITY COUNCIL MID -YEAR BUDGET REVIEW WORKSHOP <br />THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 2012 <br />7:00 PM <br />Mayor Miron called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm <br />Present: Klein, Petryk, Weidt, Miron, Haas (arrived at 7:18 pm) <br />Absent: None <br />Also Present: City Administrator Bryan Bear, Finance Director Ron Otkin, Public Works <br />Director Scott Anderson, Fire Chief Kevin Colvard, Planning Commission Chair Rick <br />Gwynn, City Engineer Jay Kennedy, Assistant City Engineer Diane Hankee, Accounting <br />Clerk Anna Wobse <br />Presentation of Budget <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin presented a PowerPoint slideshow to the Council to review <br />the 2012 mid -year budget and to set the stage for the 2013 budget. He stated that he <br />projects revenues to exceed expenses in 2012, and that the surplus will be carried over to <br />2013 to help meet the City's equipment replacement needs. Ron stated that his goal in <br />assembling the budget is to maintain the same urban tax rate and avoid the need for <br />interfund transfers to balance the budget. He presented to the Council a proposed City <br />budget with a flat tax rate. Ron also discussed with the Council the different components <br />of the proposed tax levy. <br />Ron explained that a preliminary maximum tax levy needs to be adopted at the <br />September 4, 2012 Council meeting. He announced that the final budget and tax levy <br />will be adopted at the December 3, 2012 regular City Council meeting (7:00 pm at City <br />Hall). The public will be allowed to speak at this meeting before the final budget and tax <br />levy is adopted. <br />Council was pleased with the financial picture of the City and the proposed targets for the <br />2013 City budget. Staff was directed to prepare the 2013 City budget at, or below, the <br />same urban tax rate as in 2012. Finance Director Ron Otkin will prepare a maximum tax <br />levy resolution for consideration at the September 4, 2012 City Council meeting. <br />Presentation of Street CIP <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy presented to the Council an updated Roadway Maintenance <br />Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). This CIP will provide guidance for maintaining paved <br />roadways within the City of Hugo. He reviewed with the Council the overall condition <br />index (OCI) that is used to rate each paved road within the City. Jay shared with the <br />Council the prioritized projects and summarized future projects so that the Council would <br />have an understanding of the ongoing maintenance needs. <br />