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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for February 22, 2011 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />by the Heath Subcommittee is a family bike ride. Shayla also informed the Council of the Living <br />Health Workshop on Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) scheduled for March 8, 2011 <br />from 7-8:30 p.m. at Hugo City Hall. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded to approve the service contract with Washington County for <br />SHIP funding and support of the budget proposed by the Health Sub -Committee and Parks, <br />Recreation and Open Space Commission. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Scheduled Date for Fire Department Workshop <br />At its February 7, 2011 meeting, the Hugo City Council scheduled a workshop with the Hugo <br />Fire Department for Tuesday, February 22, 2011; however, it was later observed that this date <br />conflicted with an earlier established employee appreciation dinner. After the completion of the <br />February 15th Goal Setting Session with Council, City staff recommended Council cancel the <br />scheduled workshop with the Hugo Fire Department and recess the February 22, 2011 Hugo City <br />Council meeting in order to allow attendance of the Council at the Hugo Fire Department <br />employee appreciation dinner at the Hugo Fire Hall. <br />Petryk made motion, Haas seconded, to cancel the workshop scheduled for this evening, recess <br />this evening's meeting, and reconvene at the Hugo Fire Hall. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />It was noted that the public was welcome to attend this event. <br />Request for Funding of Washington County Extension Service 4-H Program <br />Two years ago, the City of Hugo was contacted by representatives from the Washington County <br />4-H program soliciting funding for the program which was being cut from the Washington <br />County budget. The City of Hugo declined the request citing a provision within MN State <br />Statute which did not allow the City of Hugo to donate funds to the program. Since that time, <br />State Statute has been revised, and municipalities are now allowed to make contributions to 4-H <br />programs throughout the state of Minnesota. The City received a request from the Washington <br />County Extension Services 4-H program requesting contribution from the City of Hugo for the <br />program. Staff noted that the City of Hugo has members in the Big Lakers and Hugo Horseshoes <br />4-H Clubs, and Washington County Extension Services is requesting a grant in the range of $500 <br />to $10,000. <br />The Council generally agreed that 4-H is a excellent youth organization. Council Member Haas <br />suggested the City find some way to support 4-H other than using general fund dollars such as <br />the North Metro Mayor's Trail Ride or seek charitable gambling funds. Mayor Miron suggested <br />the City match any funds generated for 4-H. Klein pointed out that Boy Scout Troops conduct <br />their own fund raising events. 4-H has traditionally been funded by the County, and state <br />legislation has been changed to authorize cities to help fund 4-H. <br />