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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 5, 2011 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />satisfactorily complete. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Special Event Permit for <br />St. John's the Baptist Catholic Church for their Country/Community Picnic to be held on <br />Sunday, August 7, 2011. <br />Approve Variance from Parking Regulation for Thomas Houck at 5525 141" St. North <br />At its June 23, 2011 meeting, the Board of Zoning held a public hearing to consider the variance <br />request from the parking regulations to have less parking stalls than what is required by <br />ordinance for a commercial/retail use. The area in question is located at 5525 141St Street North <br />along the east side of Highway 61. The previous use on the property was a daycare center. The <br />zoning code does not list a required number of parking spaces for daycare centers. The applicant <br />is now proposing the conversion of this building to a retail use, and since parking requirements <br />for retail uses are specifically listed under the code, the applicant must meet the requirement or <br />obtain a variance before the use can be allowed. There was no one that spoke during the public <br />hearing except the applicant. The Board unanimously recommended adoption of the resolution <br />for approval of the variance request. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION <br />2011 -16 APPROVING A VARIANCE FOR THOMAS HOUCK IN THE CENTRAL <br />BUSINESS ZONING DISTRICT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5525 141St STREET <br />NORTH ALLOWING 18 PARKING SPACES FOR A RETAIL USE WHERE 32 SPACES <br />ARE REQUIRED BY ORDINANCE. <br />Approve Authorization to Prepare an Ordinance Regulating Guesthouses/Mother-in-Law <br />Apartments for Consideration by the Planning Commission <br />Residents have made requests to construct a guesthouse or mother-in-law apartment detached <br />from their home. Most of the requests are for living space above a detached accessory building. <br />The City Code does not allow a property to have more than one dwelling unit; therefore, <br />detached guesthouses or mother-in-law apartments are also not allowed. The City Code does <br />allow accessory apartments attached to the home. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />authorization to research what other cities require for guesthouses/mother-in-law apartments, and <br />prepare an ordinance for consideration by the Planning Commission. <br />Approve Authorization to Prepare Revisions to the Variance Ordinance to be Considered <br />by the Planning Commission <br />Recently, there have been revisions to MN State Statutes regarding the approval criteria for <br />variance requests. In order to be consistent with the statute, there are revisions that will need to <br />be made to the City's variance ordinance. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />authorization to prepare the revisions to the variance ordinance to be considered by the Planning <br />Commission. <br />Approve Pay Request No. 1 from Northdale Construction for Work Completed to Date on <br />the South Ethan Avenue Street Reconstruction Proiect. <br />The City of Hugo has received Pay Request No. 1 from Northdale Construction for work <br />completed to date on the South Ethan Avenue Street Reconstruction Project. Senior Engineering <br />Technician Steve Duff and City Engineer Jay Kennedy have reviewed the pay request and found <br />it to be satisfactory for work completed to date on the project. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />