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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for September 6, 2011 <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />White Bear Lake Schools Lew Referendum <br />City staff was recently contacted by White Bear Lake School officials regarding discussions <br />related to the referendum for the fall election on the renewal of the local operating levy. <br />Superintendent Dr. Michael Lovett, School Board Chair Lori Swanson, School Board Member <br />Kim Chapman, and Executive Director of Business Affairs Pete Willcoxon addressed the <br />Council in order to share information and answer questions Council had regarding the White <br />Bear Lake Area School levy referendum for voter consideration this fall. A successful local <br />operating levy renewal will help maintain current class sizes and programs. Information can be <br />found on the District's website, and the district will be holding a number of public forums. The <br />Council agreed it was important for the White Bear School District to have the voters support the <br />renewal of the operating levy. <br />Miron made motion, Weidt seconded, to direct staff to prepare a resolution with findings of fact <br />to support the Levy Referendum and bring it back to the City Council for approval. Staff also <br />directed staff to work with the School District to provide additional exposure such as appearing <br />on the City's cable show "That's Hugo, Today" <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of the Consent Agenda <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />Approval of Claims <br />Approve Resolutions Declaring Costs to be Assessed for the South Ethan Avenue Street Project <br />and Calling for a Public Hearing on the Proposed Assessment <br />Approve Addendum to the Washington County 800 MHz Radio Communication System <br />Subscriber Agreement <br />Approve Pay Request No. 3 from Northdale Construction for South Ethan Avenue Street and <br />Utility Project <br />Approve Scheduling of City of Hugo Fall Cleanup Day for September 24, 2011 <br />Approve Appointment of Bob Bieniek as Hugo Fire Department Safety Lieutenant <br />Approve Grant Agreement with the RCWD for the South Ethan Avenue Project <br />Approve Rhonda Peterson as Resident Representative on the Irish Avenue Park Subcommittee <br />Approve Resolution Authorizing Sale of General Obligation Improvement Bonds <br />Approve Resolution Approving Preliminary Tax Levy for 2012 <br />Approve Change Order No. 8 and Final Pay Request from GenCon Construction for Hanifl <br />Fields Park Shelter <br />Approve the Resignation and Re-classification of Public Works Lead Worker Tom Smith <br />Approve the Internal Advertisement for the Public Works Lead Worker Position <br />Approve the Purchase of Ford F-550 Dump Body Truck to Replace the 2001 Dodge Ram 3500 <br />Approve the Hiring of Jim Bever as a Part -Time Seasonal Parks Maintenance Worker <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />