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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for December 5, 2011 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />Approval of Claims <br />Adoption of Consent Agenda approved the Claims Roster as presented. <br />Approve Five -Year CIP <br />At its August 16, 2011 Mid -Year Budget Workshop, Finance Director Ron Otkin presented a <br />Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the years 2011-2015. Staff has identified each project <br />and the corresponding revenue sources. Adoption of Consent Agenda approved the Five -Year <br />CIP as presented. <br />Approve Resolution Approving 2012 Salary and Reimbursement Levels <br />During the 2012 budget process, the City Council indicated its desire to hold the City's salary <br />matrix at the 2011 levels, with no cost of living adjustments, but to grant step increases to those <br />employees who have not yet reached their pay grade maximums. These step adjustments will <br />continue to allow the City to be in compliance with Pay Equity Statutes. Adoption of Consent <br />Agenda approved RESOLUTUION 2011-40 SETTING 2012 SALARIES FOR CITY <br />EMPLOYEES AND ESTABLISHING EMPLOYEE REIMBURSEMENT LEVELS. <br />Approve Advertisement for Sale of 2001 Dodge Ram Dump Truck <br />The City recently purchased a new Ford 550 to replace the 2001 Dodge Ram truck that has been <br />in the City's fleet since 2001. Staff would like to sell the 2001 truck through a sealed bid <br />process. Adoption of Consent Agenda approved the sale of the 2001 Dodge Ram truck through <br />the sealed bid process. <br />Approve Purchase of New 2012 GMC 1500 4X4 Public Works Pickup Truck <br />At its August 16, 2011 Mid -Year Budget Workshop, the Council gave preliminary approval for <br />the purchase of a'/2 ton pickup truck. This truck would replace the truck being driven by the <br />Public Works Director, which will be moved into the Hugo Fire Department Fleet and be driven <br />by the Deputy Fire Chief. Adoption of Consent Agenda approved the purchase of a 2012 GMC <br />1/2 ton truck from Nelson Auto Center, and to move the truck currently being driven by the Public <br />Works Director into the Fire Department Fleet. <br />Approve Hiring of Christopher Schwanke and Ross Hoernemann as Probationary Hugo <br />Firefighters <br />Christopher Schwanke and Ross Hoernemann applied for a firefighter positions on the Hugo Fire <br />Department. The hiring committee is recommending Council approve the hiring of Schwanke <br />and Hoernemann as probationary firefighters subject to the standard criminal background check, <br />medical physical, and drug screening. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />appointment of Christopher Schwanke and Ross Hoernemann as probationary firefighters on the <br />Hugo Fire Department <br />