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2010.03.15 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2010 CC Minutes
2010.03.15 CC Minutes
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Minutes for the Hugo City Council meeting on March 15, 2010 <br />Page 6 of 9 <br />Approve Award of Bid to Rum River Contracting for TH61/130th Intersection <br />Councilmember Klein removed this from the Consent Agenda, On March 2, 2010, staff opened <br />bids for the intersection improvements at TH61/130th Street with a total of six bidders, and bids <br />for improvements at TH61/147th Street with a total of eleven bidders. Klein pointed out that the <br />bid from Rum River Contracting of $869,991.50 for TH61/130th Street intersection was 22.5% <br />below the engineer's estimated overall cost, and the bid from Arnt Construction for <br />$2,096,740.13 for TH61/147th Street intersection was 22.11% below the engineer's estimated <br />overall cost. <br />Klein made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the award of bid to Rum River Contracting in the <br />amount of $869,991.50 for TH61/130th Street, and award of bid to Arnt Construction for <br />$2,096,740.13 for TH61/147th Street. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to direct staff to schedule a meeting with local businesses <br />to identify how construction will affect them, and keep them appraised of potential projects. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approve Recommended Changes to Traffic Control Devices in the Fable Hill Development <br />This was removed from the Consent Agenda by staff for discussion. City staff was contacted by <br />a group of residents who were concerned with traffic speeds throughout the Fable Hill <br />development. Senior Engineering Technician Steve Duff conducted traffic and speed counts at <br />several locations in the development. After the data was collected and reviewed, staff consulted <br />with WSB & Associates Transportation Engineer Chuck Rickart to determine if changes to the <br />existing traffic control devices in the area would encourage a reduction of speed. City Engineer <br />Jay Kennedy explained the traffic data and presented a phased approach where all -way stops <br />would be installed, and if that didn't reduce speeds, "curve ahead" and warning signs could be <br />installed. <br />Art Anderson, 4453 Fable Hills Parkway, and another resident on the same street commented on <br />the excessive speed. <br />Kris Birch, 4540 Fable Hills Parkway, questioned whether a sign could be installed indicating <br />there was a park is located in this area. <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded to approve the changes recommend by WSB, and direct <br />staff to review speed limit signage off Elmcrest Avenue and near the park, and directed staff to <br />work with Washington County Sheriff's Department to increase patrol. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />
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