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2010.04.05 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2010 CC Minutes
2010.04.05 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Minutes for April 5, 2010 <br />Page 8 of 10 <br />meeting at Hugo City Hall. After discussion, Coalition members agreed to schedule the next <br />meeting for Thursday, June 24, 2010 at Hugo City Hall at which it would host the annual BBQ <br />cookout. The League of Minnesota Cities Annual Conference will be held in St. Cloud on June <br />23-25 and attendance by Hugo City Council Members is anticipated. Council Members Haas, <br />Klein, and Weidt stated they would be attending the Minnesota Cities Annual Conference, and <br />staff was directed to provide alternative dates for the I-35 W/E Coalition meeting at the next <br />meeting for Council consideration. <br />Discussion on Including Cats in City's Animal Ordinance <br />For the past several years, City staff has received inquires from residents as to why the City of <br />Hugo does not include cats in the City's Animal Ordinance. Most recently, issues arose when <br />residents had run ins with a number of cats, both domestic and feral where the Washington <br />County Sheriff's Deputy and animal control officer had no jurisdiction to require the resident to <br />control the cats. City staff requested Council provide direction to staff regarding the inclusion of <br />cats in the City's Animal Ordinance. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to table this item until the next meeting and direct staff to <br />determine what the cost would be to include cats in the City's Animal Ordinance. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Assessment Agreement with Catherine Anderson for Demolition of the Old <br />Antique Store Building <br />Staff recently met with Mike and Catherine Anderson, and their attorney to discuss the future of <br />the property at 14583 Forest Blvd. N. City staff has been encouraging the Andersons to <br />demolish the Antique Store building because of its blighted and unsafe condition. City staff is of <br />the understanding that the Andersons continue to work with their insurance company following <br />the fire that occurred at the Carpenter's restaurant site, and that it is financially difficult for them <br />to expend the funds to demolish the Antique store building at this time. Staff would prefer that <br />the building be demolished at this time, because it would allow for the construction of turn lanes <br />in front of the property in conjunction with the 147th St/ TH 61 project. City staff and the <br />Andersons have tentatively agreed to an assessment agreement, whereby the building would be <br />demolished, and the cost of the demolition would be incurred by the City and spread against the <br />property to be paid back over time with interest. Staff is preparing an assessment agreement and <br />a resolution ordering the demolition project. Community Development Director Bryan Bear <br />presented this topic for discussion by the Council. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to direct staff to order the demolition of the antique store, <br />approve the assessment agreement subject to revisions agreeable to staff and Catherine <br />Anderson, change the construction plans for the TH61/147th Street project to add turn lanes at <br />146th Street, and to prepare a resolution for approval at the next City Council meeting. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />
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