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MINUTES FOR MEETING WITH BUSINESSES IN T.H. 61/ 130TH ST. AREA <br />APRIL 13, 2010 AT 7:30 A.M. <br />WILSON TOOL INTERNATIONAL <br />Present: Haas, Weidt, Miron <br />Absent: Klein, Petryk <br />Others Present: City Administrator Mike Ericson, Duane Berg Wilson Tool, City <br />Engineer Jay Kennedy ,Design Engineer Nic Hentges, Senior Engineering Technician <br />Steve Duff, Public Works Director Scott Anderson <br />The City held an informal meeting to update area business regarding the T.H. 61 and <br />130th St street improvements and traffic signal installation. <br />An informal presentation of the over all project was given. A Proposed construction <br />schedule and road closures were discussed. Road closure 1301 St east of T.H. 61 April <br />26th to May 14th, work on 130th St west of T.H. 61 to May 17th to May 28th this section of <br />the road will be closed for a day or two to install the storm sewer line. The rest of the <br />time traffic will be allowed to use the intersection, work on T.H. 61 starts June 1St to June <br />8th the traffic signals will be installed after all the road work has been completed. There <br />has been no delivery date set for the traffic signals. The construction schedule is weather <br />dependent. Coordination between the area utilities and contractor were discussed. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Steve Duff <br />Senior Engineering Technician <br />