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MINUTES <br />CITY OF HUGO <br />CITY COUNCIL MID -YEAR BUDGET REVIEW WORKSHOP <br />WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2010 <br />8:00 AM <br />Mayor Miron called the meeting to order at 8:03 a.m. <br />Present: Haas, Klein, Petryk, Weidt, Miron <br />Absent: None <br />Also Present: City Administrator Mike Ericson, Finance Director Ron Otkin, <br />Community Development Director Bryan Bear, Public Works Director Scott Anderson, <br />Accounting Clerk Anna Wobse, Board of Zoning Commissioner Frank Puleo <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin presented the mid -year budget review to the Council. He <br />stated that he projects revenues to exceed expenses in 2010, and the surplus will be <br />carried over to the 2011 general fund budget. He shared with Council a proposed 2011 <br />City budget which reflects the same tax capacity rate as 2010. He is proposing to retire <br />all outstanding TIF bonds in February 2011 and proposed administratively knocking out <br />most of the parcels from the Bald Eagle TIF District for pay 2012. <br />Public Works Director Scott Anderson addressed the Council on the need for a salt <br />storage facility. It would be a 60' X 60' building located in the back of the Public Works <br />Site. Scott also addressed the Council on the need for a loader which we currently <br />borrow from Lino Lakes. He was directed by Council to explore options and cost <br />estimates from a new- to- used loader. <br />Council discussed its police protection services and agreed to wait until the award of the <br />COPS grants has been announced. <br />Staff was directed to prepare the 2011 City Budget at, or below, the same urban tax rate <br />as in 2010. The Finance Director stated that the Council will set the preliminary tax levy <br />at its September 7, 2010 meeting since it needs to be certified to the state by September <br />15, 2010 <br />Haas made motion, Weidt seconded, to adjourn at 10:02 a.m. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Michael A. Ericson <br />City Administrator <br />