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2010.10.04 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2010 CC Minutes
2010.10.04 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 4, 2010 <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />roadway reconstruction, drainage improvements, and connections to City utilities. Also <br />discussed by Council were traffic calming measures such as a three-way stop at the intersection <br />and installation of a median or driver feedback signs. Staff proposed holding a public hearing on <br />Monday, November 1, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2010 — 46 RECEIVING <br />FEASIBILITY REPORT AND CALLING FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE <br />PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOUTH ETHAN AVENUE ROADWAY, <br />DRAINAGE, AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS. <br />Ayes: Klein, Petryk, Weidt, Haas, Miron <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Council took a short recess. <br />Discussion on Findings of Fact for Victor Gardens Ground Water <br />At the September 20, 2010 meeting, Council discussed solutions to address the groundwater that <br />has been affecting a number of residents following construction of their homes in Victor <br />Gardens, causing flooded basements, algae and slime on the private alleyways, and constant <br />pumping of water through sump pumps. Resident Tony Schwab had presented this issue to <br />Council and requested, in addition to a grant from the Rice Creek Watershed District for a 50% <br />match up to a total of $50,000, the City provide a grant to help pay for a specific project that will <br />assist residents in dealing with this issue. Tony Schwab and Brian Krystofiak, P.E. from Carlson <br />Professional Services explained a system of shallow pipes that would discharge the sump pump <br />water into the pond or drainage ditch, instead of on to the streets. As directed by Council, staff <br />had prepared a resolution with findings based on the discussion at that meeting to support <br />funding this project. Council discussed causes for the high groundwater, and Councilmember <br />Haas pointed out the theory in Houston Engineer's analysis was that it could be from excessive <br />watering of lawns by the residents. Three residents from the development spoke about the <br />problems they are having due to the high ground water level. <br />Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2010-47 APPROVING A <br />GRANT TO RESIDENTS IN THE VICTOR GARDENS NEIGHBORHOOD FOR DRAINAGE <br />IMPROVEMENTS not to exceed $45,875 for the City's portion of the project. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to amend the motion to add a condition to the resolution to <br />require a cursory review of the irrigation practices and water usage. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Vote on original motion as amended - <br />Ayes: Petryk, Haas, Weidt, Klein, Miron <br />Motion carried. <br />
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