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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 15, 2010 <br />Page 4 of 10 <br />Dan DeYoung, 5055 124th Street North, stated he was opposed to a water project. There was <br />nothing wrong with the wells, and it would be cheaper to dig a new one than pay an assessment. <br />Susan Courteau, 5021 124th Street North, stated that what the Council decides will affect them <br />financially, and it would be a burden at this time. <br />Tom Sorenson, 5049 124th Street North, said he moved to Hugo 22 years ago because they liked <br />the rural community. He does not want water and feels some of the taxes he pays should go <br />towards improving the road. He reminded the Council of emails and letters he as sent. <br />Teresa Sorenson, 5049 124th Street North, said she'd like to see a new road, but their wells are <br />working fine. <br />Acting Mayor Petryk directed staff to select a date to hold another neighborhood meeting and <br />add it to the next Council meeting agenda to be scheduled. <br />No other action was taken. <br />Update on Victor Gardens Ground Water Improvement Proiect <br />At its September 20, 2010 meeting, Council discussed solutions to address the groundwater that <br />has been affecting a number of residents following construction of their homes in Victor <br />Gardens. They also considered the residents' request to match the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District's grant to help pay for a specific project that will assist residents in dealing with this <br />issue. At its October 4, 2010 meeting, Council approved a grant not to exceed $45,875 for the <br />City's portion of the project to the residents in the Victor Gardens Neighborhood, and directed <br />staff to review the irrigation practices and water usage in that area. <br />Resident Tony Schwab, 14262 Garden Way North, updated the Council on the project which was <br />successfully completed on the prior Thursday. Tony explained that directional boring was done with <br />734 feet of pipe under driveways and a connection to a pipe that directed water into the pond. He <br />offered to return to a City Council meeting next spring/summer to update the Council on the system. <br />Administrative Intern Jill Van DenHeuvel presented findings on the water usage in the Victor <br />Gardens neighborhood. She provided background and an analysis comparing the Victor Gardens <br />Neighborhood with similar developments. She concluded the water usage was similar; however, <br />the dense glacial till soil, smaller turf area and water pockets unique to the Victor Gardens <br />neighborhood was an aggravating factor. Some overwatering did occur, mostly with automatic <br />underground sprinkler systems. Jill gave reasons residents should be encouraged to conserve <br />water, and she provided soil watering tips. <br />The Council generally agreed more discussion was needed on the DNR's Conservation Rate <br />Structure and its financial impact, and more was needed to be done to educate Hugo residents on <br />water usage. Tony Schwab requested a copy of the study and the Property Watering Fact Sheet <br />to put in the Victor Gardens Newsletter. He also suggested working with the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District to direct more water back into area ponds. <br />No formal action was taken. <br />