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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 15, 2010 <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />Discussion on Park Dedication Fee Ordinance <br />At its September 20, 2010 meeting, the Council discussed proposed changes to the Park <br />Dedication Fee Ordinance, which include adding an appeal process and a table to assign <br />dedication based on the density of residential development. The Council also considered <br />whether to require park dedication on commercial and industrial development and voted four to <br />one to include EDA's recommendation to not require a parkland dedication fee on commercial <br />and industrial land, and to review it again in four years. Council had directed staff to hold a <br />public hearing at the Planning Commission on the draft Park Dedication Fee Ordinance. A <br />public hearing was held at the Planning Commission meeting on October 28, 2010, and the <br />Planning Commission unanimously recommended including a requirement to charge commercial <br />and industrial property development a park dedication fee. Parks Planner Shayla Syverson <br />presented to Council these recommendations from the Parks Commission, EDA, and Planning <br />Commission. <br />Jim Taylor, Chair of the Parks and Recreation Commission spoke in favor of park dedication on <br />commercial/industrial property saying that parks make money and the City could lose 1.1 million <br />dollars over time. Jim stated that the value of property near parks increases resulting in more tax <br />revenue. He also said parks attract businesses and bring money into our economy. <br />Tom Denaway Economic Development Authority Commissioner, defended the EDA's decision <br />stating they were not anti -parks and not changing the Parks Capital Improvement Plan, just the <br />best way to allocate the cost, and the development of commercial/industrial property did not <br />create a need for parks. He explained that, as reported by the National Commercial Real Estate <br />Association, there was no direct benefit from parks, and parks dedication fees affect the <br />businesses' bottom line. <br />Councilmember Haas supported a park dedication fee for commercial/industrial development, <br />and said he sees the need for parks as a necessary part of city planning. As a businessman, he <br />said he did not feel a parks dedication fee requirement would deter commercial/industrial <br />development. <br />The Council discussed the line item in the City's levy for parks; businesses are paying a larger <br />portion of the levy than residential property. The Council discussed whether the lack of park <br />dedication fee would hinder the development of parks. <br />Petryk made motion, Weidt seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 2010-449 REQUIRING PARK <br />DEDICATION WITHIN THE CITY OF HUGO, MINNESOTA, (which does not include a park <br />dedication fee for industrial commercial development) and require review of the ordinance in <br />four years. <br />Ayes: Petryk, Klein, Weidt, Miron <br />Nays: Haas <br />Motion carried. <br />