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Hugo City Council Minutes for March 2, 2009 <br />Page 8 of 8 <br />Update on Legislative Town Hall meetings <br />Councilmembers Tom Weidt and Becky Petryk provided Council an update of the meeting held on <br />Tuesday February 24, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. at Hugo City Call with State Representative Bob Dettmer, <br />State Representative Matt Dean, and Senator Ray Vandeveer to discuss the legislative session and <br />state budget, and the meeting held on Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. at the Forest Lake <br />City Hall held by state legislatures to seek input on State's proposed budget. Both meetings were <br />well attended by residents who expressed concerns on the state budget, the burden it will put on <br />children and grandchildren, and the reduction of social programs, to name a few. <br />Appointment of Councilmember Chuck Haas as Chair of Metropolitan Council Park & Open <br />Space Commission <br />Councilmember Chuck Haas has been appointed to chair the Metropolitan Council's Parks & Open <br />Space Commission, effective in April. The Commission assists the Met Council in developing a <br />long -rang plan and an acquisition and development program that includes funding priorities for <br />regional parks, as well as oversees a budget of $15 million. Chuck will be sworn in on March 3, <br />2009. Staff and Council congratulated Councilmember Haas on this appointment. <br />March 5, 2009 Hearing at the Capitol on House File 0016 (Tornado Reimbursement) <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson received notice that House File 0016 regarding the City of Hugo <br />May 25, 2008 Tornado Reimbursement Bill will receive a hearing at the State Capitol on Thursday, <br />March 5, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. The Bill had been laid over to be considered as part of the ominous tax <br />bill in the senate, and it is hoped the bill will get support from the House. Mayor Fran Miron, <br />Councilmember Chuck Haas, and City Administrator Mike Ericson will attend this hearing. <br />The Council discussed a letter received by the City of St. Peter that supported the City of Hugo in its <br />efforts to gain assistance for recovery from the tornado. Council directed staff to request letters from <br />other communities that have experienced disasters such as Browns Valley and the City of Rogers. <br />Adjournment <br />Haas made motion, Weidt seconded, to adjourn at 10:00 p.rn. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Michele Lindau <br />City Clerk <br />