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Hugo City Council Minutes for March 16, 2009 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />which could be incorporated into the City's SWPPP. There were no oral or written comments on <br />the SWPPP. Public Works Director Scott Anderson explained the public hearing is a statutory <br />requirement and no additional Council action was necessary. <br />Update on CSAH 8 East Proiect - Washington <br />At its February 17, 2009 meeting, Councilmember Haas added to the agenda a request to get a <br />report on the CSAH 8 east project from the Washington County Engineering Department. Staff <br />reported they had a meeting with Washington County engineering officials, and a preliminary <br />report would be brought back to the City Council at this meeting. City staff invited Don Theisen, <br />Washington County Engineer and Jacob Gave, project manager for the CSAH 8 east project, to <br />provide a presentation on the work completed to date on the project which is scheduled for <br />construction in 2011. Monthly project management team meetings are being held and regular <br />updates will be provided to the Hugo City Council, which will be helpful in keeping the residents <br />apprised of the project. <br />Update on TH61 and 130th Street Intersection Improvements <br />At its February 17, 2008 meeting, the City Council directed staff to continue working with <br />MnDOT to gain approval of a traffic signal installation, with MnDOT and Minnesota <br />Commercial Railways to define the required railroad crossing improvements, and to evaluate the <br />use of special assessments as a means to finance the traffic signal improvements. City Engineer <br />Jay Kennedy stated the construction plans for the turn lanes were 95% complete and submitted to <br />MnDOT. Issues remaining are approval of a traffic signal, discussions regarding the railroad <br />crossing , and funding of the project including potential assessments. The total cost of the <br />project was $1,565,000, and after MnDot funding and City State Aid funding, there was <br />$225,000 for the traffic signal and $250,000 for the railroad crossing that remained unfunded. <br />Potential funding sources were escrow from the Beaver Ponds Development, and $65,000 from <br />Wilson Tool International, with $44,000 remaining unfunded. <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to continue discussions with MnDot regarding the traffic <br />signal and railroad crossing improvements, and schedule meetings with property owners to <br />identify additional funding sources. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on March 5, 2009 Special Meeting with the Hugo Food Shelf <br />On Thursday, March 5, 2009, Hugo City Council called a special meeting to discuss the current <br />operation of the Hugo Community Food Shelf along with current and former volunteers as well <br />as local service clubs and representative from Hosanna Lutheran Church and Hosanna Harbors <br />who currently operate the Hugo Community Food Shelf. Pastor Michael Sparby spoke about the <br />current operations of the Hugo Food Shelf, and former Food Shelf Director Margo Geving and <br />former Assistant Food Shelf Director Kris Emerson presented their view of the operation which <br />included suggestions for changes. Council also listened to former volunteer Debbie Peterson as <br />she presented an objective viewpoint of non-profit organizations in addition to requirements of a <br />501C3 non-profit as required by the State of Minnesota under which the current food shelf <br />operates. At that meeting, Council had directed staff to schedule a meeting with attendees who <br />want to form a management team to discuss the current status of the board of directors and its <br />