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Hugo City Council Minutes for April 20, 2009 <br />Page 9 of 11 <br />Discussion on Finn -Daniels Concept Plan for City -Owned Propertv <br />Over the past several months, architects from Finn -Daniels Architects have been discussing with <br />the Economic Development Authority and the Planning Commission concept plans for the <br />redevelopment of the property on the east side of TH61 next to Egg Lake. After several designs <br />and concepts presented to the EDA and Planning Commission, the architects wanted to make a <br />concept presentation to the Hugo City Council for suggestions to improve the concept plan <br />design as well as next steps in order to proceed with the redevelopment of the City -owned <br />property. Associate Planner Rachel Simone presented the plan to the Council and discussed <br />with Council the building placement, open space with views to Egg Lake, and building architect. <br />Developers Mark Finnemann and Richard Fischer attended the meeting, and Mark explained the <br />phasing of the project and the need for a future access to Highway 61 for the second phase, <br />which would include the senior complex. No formal action was taken. <br />Discussion on Storm Shelters and Safe Rooms <br />Included in its 2009 City Focus Goals, the Hugo City Council agreed to review the request made <br />from residents living in the Waters Edge neighborhood in the townhomes, which were <br />constructed on concrete slabs without basements. Council directed staff to review statutory <br />obligations for municipalities regarding storm shelters and safe rooms. Community <br />Development Director Bryan Bear shared with Council the research completed by the Building <br />Department in regard to storm shelters and safe rooms, which are a concern to residents during <br />the severe weather and tornadoes in the spring and summer. According to State Building Codes, <br />storm shelters are a requirement for manufactured home parks only, and safe rooms are not <br />contemplated in the Code. Hugo staff surveyed other cities, and of the 30 cities that responded, <br />only the City of Lakeville requires safe rooms in their zoning ordinance, which are required to be <br />constructed to FEMA guidelines. Betty Zuettel, 5164 128th Street North, attended the meeting <br />and had provided the Council a petition signed by 30 neighbors requesting the City work with <br />the school district to designate a person, or persons, to be responsible to open the doors for <br />neighborhood residents in the case of an emergency. <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to direct staff to initiate discussion with the White Bear <br />Lake School District and the Hugo Fire Department to open Oneka Elementary School as a safe <br />haven in a storm event. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Miron made motion, Weidt seconded, to direct staff to draft language to promote and encourage <br />developers to provide safe room options. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded to engage the fire department and Washington County <br />Emergency Management in discussions with the community on what to do in the case of severe <br />weather if there was no basement. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />