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Hugo City Council Minutes for June 15, 2009 <br />Page 8 of 9 <br />Update on Active Warning Device at the 1301h/TH61 Intersection <br />As Council is aware, City Engineer Jay Kennedy has been working with MnDOT authorities to <br />finalize the design of the 130TH/Highway 61 intersection improvements, the traffic signal and <br />railroad crossing in particular. City staff and Mayor Fran Miron have also had discussions with John <br />Gohmann and Minnesota Commercial railway regarding the rail crossing improvements. City <br />Engineer Jay Kennedy reported to Council discussions with MnDOT, who determines the scope of <br />railroad crossing improvements, with input from railroad owner (BNSF) and operator (MN <br />Commercial). MN DOT has determined the need for an active warning system with a gate arm and <br />warning lights. In discussions with Jon Gohmann, John indicated he would rather stop trains and <br />flag them across instead of having the City incur the cost of an active warning device. <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to direct staff to continue discussions with MnDOT, BNSF, <br />and MN Commercial, and if needed, engage two Council members to meet with MnDOT. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Ethan Avenue South Street Improvement Proiect <br />Councilmember Becky Petryk requested this item be placed on the agenda in response to resident <br />Jack Jungbauer, who is requesting that the City of Hugo consider once again the street <br />improvements to the Ethan Avenue south neighborhood. City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided a <br />overview of the past discussions regarding the project, which was included as part of the City's <br />Capital Improvement Plan. In previous neighborhood meetings it was generally agreed that the <br />roadway needs to be reconstructed but there were concerns about assessments, and no consensus <br />among the residents was reached. Since then, the assessment policy has been updated. Jack <br />Jungbauer, 12122 Ethan Avenue, addressed the Council requesting another neighborhood <br />meeting be scheduled. Council discussed the need to include utilities as part of the roadway <br />project. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to direct staff to schedule a neighborhood meeting to <br />discuss the Ethan Avenue project and the updated assessment policy. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Council members Weidt and Petryk volunteered to be in attendance at this meeting <br />Discussion on Washington County, Integrated Emergency Management Course (IEMC) <br />Training Session in 2010 <br />The City of Hugo has received a request from Deb Paige from Washington County Emergency <br />Management Department for participation in and selection of dates for emergency training at the <br />EMI in Washington, D.C. in 2010. Council was asked to select a week in July or August, and the <br />Council determined the date was not critical. <br />Miron made motion, Weidt seconded, to notify Deb Paige that the City was interested in attending <br />