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Hugo City Council Minutes for September 8, 2009 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />Update on Ethan Avenue South Project <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy explained a meeting was held with the entire Ethan Avenue south <br />neighborhood on July 13, 2009. On August 19, 2009, Mayor Miron, Council Member Petryk, <br />and City staff met with the South Ethan Avenue neighborhood committee to provide additional <br />information to the residents, answer specific questions, and discuss the next steps in the process. <br />Ethan Avenue resident Rick Gwynn, representing the committee, explained he had made contact <br />with neighbors not originally on list, and the committee will meet next week to form a petition <br />and get neighborhood feedback. Mayor Miron stated the Council will continue to provide <br />updates as the process moves forward. No formal action was taken. <br />Discussion on Recommendation from the Parks Commission and Planning Commission on <br />the Proposed Hunting Ordinance <br />Over the past several years the City Council and Parks Commission have discussed issues <br />regarding hunting in the City of Hugo. At its February 17, 2009 meeting, the City Council <br />discussed the issues and directed staff to form a subcommittee to review hunting regulations in <br />Hugo consisting of Parks Commissioners, City Council members, Planning Commissioners, and <br />community members. Mayor Miron added that the issue of hunting on the north end of Bald <br />Eagle Lake also needed to be addressed by the subcommittee. Community Development <br />Assistant Dennis Fields provided a presentation to the Council regarding these topics and share <br />the recommendations from the Hunting Committee, Parks Commission, and Planning <br />Commission. Councilmember Petryk explained that because the lake was multi jurisdictional, <br />hunting was only allowed on approximately two percent of the lake. Haas suggested the <br />ordinance reference the Shooting Range Protection act as well as other minor changes. Staff <br />pointed out that banning hunting on Bald Eagle Lake would not be similar to "spot zoning" <br />because of the uniqueness of the lake, as pointed out in the Findings of Fact prepared by staff. <br />Rick Gwynn, 12277 Ethan Avenue North, said he was an avid duck hunter but felt it should be <br />banned on Bald Eagle Lake. <br />Roger Clark said he was on the hunting committee and initially voted to keep hunting on Bald <br />Eagle Lake, but after reviewing the Findings of Fact, he agreed hunting should be banned. <br />John Good, 12535 Ethan Avenue North, said his picture window had been damaged by birdshot. <br />Jim Leroux, resident at 4360 165th Street North and former Councilmember, explained this has <br />been a problem since the 1990's, and it focuses negative attention to hunting. He encouraged the <br />Council to prohibit hunting on Bald Eagle Lake but protect the right to hunt in the City of Hugo. <br />Jennifer Hart -Abraham, 12646 Ethan Avenue North, said the house next to her had been hit by <br />buckshot, and it was not safe to allow hunting on the lake. <br />Darleen Anderson, 4669 126th Street North, said she has experienced buckshot falling on her as <br />she walked and rode around the lake, and it was not safe. <br />Jim Compton, 4741 - 126th Street North, said he agreed with the other residents as this was a <br />developed area. <br />