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Hugo City Council Minutes for September 21, 2009 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Public Works Worker Paul Christianson <br />The City of Hugo hired Paul Christianson as a public works worker on September 27, 2004. For the <br />past five years, Paul has demonstrated a good work ethic in performing a wide variety of duties in the <br />Public Works Department and has good communication skills in dealing with the public and contractors. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review for public works worker Paul <br />Christianson. <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Public Works Worker Tim Kieffer <br />On September 27, 2004, the City hired Tim Kieffer as a public works worker. Tim is a skilled <br />and conscientious employee in the Public Works Department and has excellent customer service <br />skills in dealing with residents and contractors. Tim is a valued member of the Public Works <br />Department and has completed a wide variety of duties. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the annual performance review for public works worker Tim Kieffer. <br />Approve Findings of Fact for Denial of CUP for Benjamin Carter at 6128 Goodview Trail <br />Circle <br />At the Tuesday, September 8, 2009 Council meeting, the motion failed to approve the CUP for <br />25% more square footage for an accessory building for Benjamin Carter. There was discussion <br />during the meeting that the size of the accessory building did not fit in with the character of the <br />area. Staff prepared the findings of fact for denial for the City Council to consider. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved adoption of RESOLUTION 2009-31 <br />APPROVING FINDINGS OF FACT DENYING A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE <br />PERMIT FOR BENJAMIN CARTER FOR AN ACCESSORY BUILDING UP TO 125% OF <br />THE PERMITTED SIZE IN THE SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENTIAL ZONING <br />DISTRICT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6128 GOODVIEW TRAIL CIRCLE NORTH <br />Approve Appointment of Rick Gwynn and Scott Arcand as New Planning Commissioners <br />On September 14, 2009, the Hugo City Council conducted interviews of three candidates for two <br />vacancies on the Planning Commission to replace Commissioners Doug Galler and Greg <br />Burmeister. Both have resigned due to recently moving out of the City of Hugo. After <br />interviews, Council agreed to approve Rick Gwynn and Scott Arcand as the new Planning <br />Commissioners. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the appointment of Rick Gwynn and <br />Scott Arcand as new Commissioners to the Hugo Planning Commission. <br />Approve Authorization to Advertise for Sale of 1999 Ford Ambulance <br />In 2003, the Hugo Fire Department purchased a used ambulance from the City of Mahtomedi. At that <br />time, the department was in need of a second rescue vehicle. In January 2006, the department entered <br />into an agreement with the White Bear Lake Fire Department for in-house ambulance service, which <br />included the housing of White Bear Lake / Hugo Ambulance 4 at the Hugo Fire Station. The <br />Mahtomedi used ambulance is in need of over $4,000 in repairs including a valve job, brakes, rotors <br />and other miscellaneous repairs. At this time, with the department having both the heavy rescue and <br />ambulance at its disposal, the expenditure to fix the Mahtomedi ambulance would not be fiscally <br />responsible. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Fire Department's request to place the <br />vehicle up for bid and use the funds towards the purchase of a Deputy Chiefs response vehicle. <br />