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MINUTES FOR THE I-35 W/E COALITION MEETING OF MARCH 13, 2007 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:10 pm. <br />PRESENT: Haas, Miron, Puleo <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson, Administrative Intern Nate Ehalt <br />ABSENT: Granger, Petryk <br />OTHERS: See Attached <br />INTRODUCTIONS <br />All persons present were welcomed greeted by Fran Miron and shared their name and affiliated <br />organization. <br />UPDATE ON CSAH 14/I -35E INTERCHANGE PROJECT <br />Kate Garwood, Transportation Manager from Anoka County updated the group regarding the <br />interchange. Currently, the bridge is slated to be completed by year end 2009 and is in the control <br />of MNDOT. Possible setbacks to a 2009 timeline would be the estimated total cost. The cost is <br />approximated to be 21 million dollars, with a current shortfall of 5 million. <br />UPDATE ON NORTHERN BY-PASS PLANNING (LAKE DRIVE & MAIN ST) <br />Commonly called County Road Doug in Anoka County, Kate Garwood stated that this road <br />continues to be in the County's Comprehensive Plan and updates continue to be made in regards to <br />land acquisition procedures. <br />INVENTORY AND PRIORITY OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS <br />Kate Garwood reported on the progress made by staff that inventoried and prioritized projects <br />within the coalition's area of concern. Kate discussed multiple projects that have been identified <br />but stressed staff's concern to remain focused on the third lane on I -35E. Another key interchange <br />that was identified is State Hwy 8/35. This is an important intersection for the growth of the <br />corridor. Motion was made by Dennis Hegberg and seconded by Stev Stegner for a letter of <br />support to be written from the coalition to Washington County in order to increase the status and <br />concern of this intersection for the coalition communities. <br />2008 COMPREHENSIVE PLANS <br />Comp plan updates were heard from Hugo, Lino Lakes, Columbus, Centerville, Washington and <br />Anoka County. <br />