<br />APRIL 24, 2008
<br />Acting Mayor Becky Petryk called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m.
<br />PRESENT: Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron (arrived after roll call)
<br />ABSENT: Granger
<br />ALSO PRESENT: City Assessor Frank Langer, City Administrator Mike Ericson, Community
<br />Development Director Bryan Bear, and City Clerk Michele Lindau
<br />Resident Appeals
<br />The City Council heard from ten property owners regarding evaluation and/or classification of their
<br />property. After hearing all the appeals, the Council decided on the following:
<br />Darren Hanson, 14420 Irish Avenue North, to remove the Residential classification and building value
<br />on one parcel, with the remaining value to be $349,400, and no change to the other two parcels.
<br />John and Mary Baird, 5920 Egg Lake Road North, to reduce the value to $303,900
<br />Herman Zuettel, 5164 157th Street North, to make no change on the valuation.
<br />Ben Jacobus, 12680 Foxhill Avenue North, to reduce the value to $425,400.
<br />Warren Cook, 5266 141St Street North, to make no change on the valuation.
<br />Bernard and Betty Brunotte, 14819 Flay Avenue North, to reduce the value to $199,100.
<br />Beverly Aplikowski, Busy Bee Enterprises, to reduce the value on one parcel to $1,350,000, and
<br />remove the seasonal recreational classification and building value on the other, with the remaining
<br />agricultural value changed to $2,269,200.
<br />Howard Moe, 5989 Oneka Lake Boulevard North, to reduce the value to $149,400.
<br />Jessica Christofferson, 4859 130th Street North, to reduce the value to $272,200.
<br />Gary Erkenbrack, 5470 157th Street North, to reduce the value to $265,700.
<br />Puleo made motion, Haas seconded, to accept the maintenance changes presented by City Assessor
<br />Frank Langer, and accept the changes to properties as outlined above.
<br />All aye. Motion carried.
<br />Adiournment
<br />Puleo made motion, Haas seconded, to adjourn at 7:30 p.m.
<br />All aye. Motion carried.
<br />Respectfully submitted,
<br />Michele Lindau, City Clerk
<br />