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City Council Meeting of May 5, 2008 <br />Page 4 of 10 <br />Approve 2008 Public Works Seasonal Hiring of Four Employees <br />At is March 17, 2008 meeting, Hugo City Council authorized City staff to advertise for Public Works <br />seasonal employees. Public Works Director Chris Petree is pleased to report that the City received <br />nearly fifty applicants and twenty interviews were conducted on May 1-2, 2008. City staff will <br />conducted background checks on Monday, May 5th and provide Council with a list of four individuals <br />recommended for hiring as well as on individual returning from last year. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the rehiring of Jacalyn Peterson and the hiring of Samantha Gilbert, Adam Greeder, <br />Eric Lundell and Charles Smith as Public Works seasonal employees for 2008 with a wage rate of <br />$11.00 per hour. <br />Approve Purchase of Fertilizer Spreader From Turfwerks <br />Included in the 2008 General Fund Budget is $3,500 for the purchase of a Tow Behind Fertilizer <br />Spreader for the Parks Department. This piece of equipment will be used for applying granular fertilizer <br />& weed control to City Parks and Facilities. After a significant amount of research, City staff has <br />identified the Lely WFR Tow Behind Fertilizer Spreader as the appropriate piece of equipment to meet <br />the City's needs. The City received quotes from three local Lely dealers ranging in price from $4,249 - <br />$4,795. Prices have increased significantly since staff budgeted for this piece of equipment nearly a <br />year ago. This unit is available for immediate delivery. The remaining funds needed to acquire this <br />piece of equipment will be provided by the Parks, Small Tools & Equipment line item in the General <br />Fund. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the purchase of a Lely WFR Tow Behind Fertilizer <br />Spreader at a cost of $4,249 from Turfwerks. <br />Approve Retirement and Letter of Resignation from Firefighter Roger Dirks <br />Hugo Firefighter Roger Dirks has submitted his letter of resignation announcing his retirement from the <br />Hugo Fire Department after more than 23 years of dedicated public service to the citizens of Hugo. <br />Roger joined the department in July of 1985 as one of the new firefighters and over the past 23 years has <br />provided hundreds and hundreds of hours of dedicated public service to the citizens of Hugo by fighting <br />fires and responding to medical calls. Roger is an excellent example of the dedicated firefighters who <br />have provided an excellent level of public service to the residents and business owners within the City of <br />Hugo. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the retirement and letter of resignation from <br />firefighter Roger Dirks. Roger will be publicly recognized at a later Council meeting. <br />Authorize Advertisement of Bids for 2008 Bituminous Road Repairs <br />This past winter's freeze -thaw cycle has taken its toll on a number of our rural bituminous roadways, <br />some of which are scheduled to be sealcoated in 2008. The repairs are significant and require equipment <br />& laborers that the City does not have. The proposed repairs include: repairing soft spots, <br />milling/reclaiming the pavement and paving a new 2" layer of asphalt. The estimated project cost is <br />approximately $130,000. City staff has reviewed and discussed this with Mayor Miron and recommends <br />that the City Council use the Street Maintenance Fund and cost savings from the Graveling & Dust <br />Control Projects in 2008 to fund these repairs. Following City Council approval, staff will advertise and <br />solicit bids through The Citizen newspaper and will hold a bid opening on Friday, May 30, 2008 at 12:00 <br />pm. This will be followed by the Council awarding bids at its first meeting in June. Work will take <br />place during June/July followed by crackfilling in July & sealcoating in August. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda authorized staff to advertise for bids for the 2008 Bituminous Road Repairs and <br />approved staff to hold neighborhood meetings with the residents on Hyde Ave. N. and Heather Ave. <br />