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City Council Meeting of May 5, 2008 <br />Page 8 of 10 <br />the development of public policy with a recommendation to the Washington County Board. Council <br />Member Haas explained the GEARS Board will be involved in making decisions on how the tax money <br />is spent. Participation on the GEARS Board is based on population. One elected city official in <br />Washington County will be participating on the Gears Board, which in turns makes recommendations to <br />the Joint Powers Board. No action was taken by the Council, but City Administrator Mike Ericson <br />stated he would keep the Council informed and bring this issue back at a later date. <br />Recess <br />Acting Mayor Becky Petryk announced a short recess. Mayor Fran Miron arrived at 8:20 p.m. <br />Approve Resolution Approving the 2030 Comprehensive Plan in 2008 <br />Included in the Hugo City Council's 2007 City Focus Goals, Council included the 2008 Comprehensive <br />Plan as one of the most important goals that needed to be accomplished by the City over 2007 and into <br />2008. For more than one year, the City of Hugo and the Community Development Department have <br />held public open houses and neighborhood meetings with hundreds of Hugo residents and business <br />owners in working to develop the 2008 Comprehensive Plan. For more than one year Hugo City <br />Council and Planning Commission listened to dozens and dozens of residents who provided input into <br />the development of the new 2008 Comprehensive Plan, which will guide the City in development for the <br />next 20 years to 2030. As part of the formal process, Hugo Planning Commission held a public hearing <br />on March 6, 2008 which was continued to March 13, 2008 and March 27, 2008, at which many residents <br />provided input to the Planning Commission as to how they would like to see the City develop over the <br />next 10 years. At its April 10, 2008 meeting, Hugo Planning Commission unanimously recommended <br />approval of the 2030 Hugo Comprehensive Plan to guide development for the City of Hugo to 2030. <br />Community Development Director Bryan Bear, City Planner Kendra Lindahl, City Engineer Jay <br />Kennedy provided the Council with a review and recap of the work of City staff over the past 15 months <br />with a recommendation to adopt a resolution approving the 2030 Hugo Comprehensive Plan, subject to <br />the six-month review by neighboring communities, school districts and other effected agencies and <br />contingent upon subsequent review by the Metropolitan Council. The Mayor opened it up for the public <br />to speak, and the following summarizes the comments that were received <br />Kerry Reimer, 14165 Irish Avenue North, said surrounding communities of Grant, Forest Lake, and <br />May Township were deemed permanently rural, unsewered, large lots, and he saw no guarantee Hugo's <br />Assessment Policy will stay in effect with subsequent Councils. <br />Jim Bever, 7131 132,d Street North, said he believed the Open Space Preservation Ordinance was a <br />good one, and without it, it will be easier for the Metropolitan Council to develop the land later. <br />John Waller, 14010 Homestead Avenue North, said other large lot owners want greater density than one <br />home per ten acres. <br />John Dostal, 477 Omaha Road, Hudson, WI, said his family owns acreage in Hugo, and he was opposed <br />to removal of cluster development in the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Phil Watkins, 13345 Homestead Avenue North, said he could see no reason to get overly anxious on <br />development, and he would like to see eastern Hugo remain unsewered. <br />