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City Council Meeting of May 19, 2008 <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />Approve Resolution Approving Final Plat and Development Agreement for Frenchman Place <br />and Approve WCA Application for Replacement Plan <br />On May 5th, the City Council approved a rezoning and preliminary plat for Frenchman Place, as well <br />as a site plan and variance for Lot 1, Block 1 for development of an office/medical office building. The <br />applicant is now requesting approval of a final plat for the office lot, 2 lots north Rosemary Way where <br />the concept plan shows a church and school and 2 outlots for future commercial development. On <br />March 28, 2008, staff issued a Notice of Decision (with TEP concurrence) approving the Wetland <br />Replacement Plan for 9,194 square feet of impact on the site. Wetland replacement will be achieved at <br />a 2.25:1 ratio at the northeast corner of the Miller property. Council Member Granger requested that <br />the Council retain flexibility to require improvements to Everton Avenue, if warranted, due to traffic <br />getnerated from any proposed buildings in Phase 2. Council agreed to amend the resolution and <br />Development Agreement to allow the Council to decide the scope of improvements for Everton <br />Avenue concurrent with any site plan propsed for buildings in Phase 2. <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2008- 23 APPROVING FINAL <br />PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR FRENCHMAN PLACE 1 ST ADDITION ON <br />PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST QUADRANT OF EVERTON AVENUE NORTH <br />AND FRENCHMAN ROAD (COUNTY ROAD 8) with conditions to be incorporated into the <br />development agreement regarding timing of construction of roads and utilities. <br />Aye: Haas, Puleo, Petryk, Granger, Miron <br />Nay: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Schedule Date for Neighborhood Meeting for Road Prosect in the Hugo Elementary School <br />Neighborhood <br />At its April 21, 2008 meeting, the City Council listened to a presentation from City Engineer Jay <br />Kennedy in regards to the street reconstruction project on the Hugo Elementary School Neighborhood. <br />Jay provide Council with a feasibility study on the project and informed Council that he would <br />schedule a date on which to hold a neighborhood meeting in order to provide the residents a copy of <br />the City's newly revised street assessment policy, which reflects a dramatic reduction in the amount <br />that residents would pay. <br />Becky made motion, Granger seconded, to schedule the public hearing on improvements to the Hugo <br />Elementary School Neighborhood for Monday, June 16, 2008. <br />All Aye. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Memorandum of Agreement for MNDOT and Washington County for TH61 <br />For the past two years, City staff and Council Member Mike Granger have been meeting with MN <br />