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MINUTES FOR THE EMERGENCY STAFF MEETING ON MAY 27, 2008 LOCATED <br />IN THE ONEKA ROOM AT 10:00AM <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Miron. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Miron, Council Members Mike Granger, Frank Puleo, Chuck Haas, City <br />Administrator Mike Ericson, Sheriff Hutton and emergency management personnel, and <br />members of the public and media, Fire Chief Jim Compton, Asst. Fire Chief Jadon 011ila, <br />volunteer organizations. See attached list. <br />ABSENT: Council Member Becky Petryk <br />Volunteer Coordinator Effort — It is the plan to have a volunteer clean-up day for this Saturday <br />May 31, 2008. Hot zone will be the focus of the clean-up effort and all volunteers will need to <br />be credentialed. Also, adequate parking and bus service in and out of the neighborhood will be <br />required. Washington County Service Center in Forest Lake will be used as a staging place for <br />the volunteers. Before Saturday's event, professional volunteers can be in the area clearing <br />debris. Deb Paige from Washington County Emergency Management Director said this is a <br />good idea to keep progress moving forward before Saturday. <br />The goal is to get people back in their homes as soon as possible. Senator Coleman and <br />Klobuchar cautioned the unlikelihood of the 6.2 million dollar threshold for FEMA. Governor <br />Pawlenty said the state will be here to help with the effort now and in the future. The Hot Zone <br />area will be resized to allow many residents to return to their homes in the peripheral areas. <br />Donations will be set up in the Fire Hall and will be distributed by the fire fighters and <br />volunteers. <br />Credentialing of residents will occur each morning with a separate color form being used for <br />each day. <br />Postal service will not occur; all mail for the Hot Zone will be held in the post office for pick-up <br />or delivery at a further time. <br />Sherriff Hutton continued to discuss security and stated that the current system seem to be <br />working to keep people out of the area, and the use of credentialing will be disseminated to the <br />deputies in the field. <br />Impact to wetlands — RCWD is requesting funds to clean-up the wetland areas. <br />Adjournment: Chuck Haas made motion, Mike Granger seconded to adjourn at 10:45am <br />Respectfully Submitted <br />Michael A. Ericson <br />City Administrator <br />