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2008.05.27 CC Minutes - Emergency Neighborhood Meeting
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City Council Minutes
2008 CC Minutes
2008.05.27 CC Minutes - Emergency Neighborhood Meeting
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MINUTES FOR THE EMERGENCY HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 27, 2008 <br />AT THE ONEKA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TO ADDRESS ISSUES RELATED TO MAY <br />25, 2008 TORNADO <br />Mayor Fran Miron called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. <br />PRESENT: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson, CD Director Bryan Bear, PW Director Chris Petree, PW Lead <br />Worker Tom Smith, CD Assistant Dennis Fields, City Engineer Jay Kennedy, Fire Chief Jim <br />Compton, and Administrative Volunteer Nathan Ehalt <br />OTHERS: Washington County Sheriff Bill Hutton <br />Mayor Fran Miron provided some general comments regarding the progress and event of the day. <br />Mayor Miron suggested daily meeting at 7:30 pm at the Oneka Elementary School each night for the <br />rest of the week, then updated residents regarding the Prindle Family Fund at US Bank of Hugo. The <br />Mayor reported that a lost and found has been established at the City's Fire Hall to allow residents to <br />look for items of importance. <br />PW Director Chris Petree provided an update regarding debris removal. Handouts available at the <br />meeting outlined how debris should be sorted and placed curbside. Some removal was completed in <br />the neighborhood this day, and the effort will be quadrupled tomorrow, with construction debris <br />being the focus. Over -night efforts are scheduled for Thursday and Saturday nights to get the <br />neighborhood cleaned quickly. Mayor Miron mentioned a burning ban in the neighborhood, and that <br />there is a sign-up sheet for professional volunteers to come to their property. <br />Mayor Miron reported the following: Hugo Relief Funds are setup at the Lake Area Bank in WBL <br />and the US Bank in Hugo; a $10,000 donation from Xcel Energy; donations can be made to the Red <br />Cross, Salvation Army, and the Food Shelf. Many donations have already come in and were <br />available at the meeting for residents to take and the process for distributing the funds. More <br />information will be available later. <br />The Red Cross will be providing meals at the Hugo American Legion Post 620, with other services <br />and out -reach services available at the Mpls Red Cross by appointment at 612-871-7676. They will <br />be involved on Saturday's cleanup day providing snacks and first-aid stations. <br />Offers of housing have come in with a list being provided at the meeting. <br />Mayor Miron discussed criteria for credentials that will be required to gain access to the tornado site <br />and outlined the following: no more resident credentialing; media has credentials for access to the <br />neighborhood; contractors/insurance adjusters will continue to be credentialed; Attorney General's <br />Office is available to assist if there are issues with insurance contractors; residents should contact <br />law enforcement or City staff if they are uncomfortable with people in the neighborhood or witness <br />non -credentialed individuals or contractors; and on -lookers and others who do not serve any <br />purposed in the neighborhood should be referred to law enforcement. <br />Mayor Miron discussed emergency management protocols and reported information regarding <br />number of sirens, maintenance intervals, time out of the sirens, the fact that there is not an all -clear <br />siren. Deb Paige from Washington County described the procedure related to the emergency sirens <br />
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