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MINUTES FOR THURSDAY, MAY 29, 2008 STAFF AND COMMAND <br />MEETING, HUGO CITY HALL, 8:OOAM <br />The meeting was call to order by Acting Mayor Becky Petryk at 8:25 a.m. <br />Present: Council Members Mike Granger, Chuck Haas, Becky Petryk, and Frank Puleo, <br />City Staff Mike Ericson, Nate Ehalt, Hugo Department Officials, Washington County <br />Emergency Management personnel, volunteer agencies. <br />Absent: Mayor Fran Miron <br />Fire Chief Jim Compton provided a recap of yesterdays activities. <br />First aid is being provided in two locations by Forest Lake Fire Department under the <br />direction of Chief Gary Sigfrinus. <br />Deb Paige from Washington County talked about mitigation plans and grant applications. <br />Patrick will help with state and federal grant applications. <br />There was discussion on the overwhelming number of volunteers offering to help in <br />Saturday's clean-up event. There was concern on how to control traffic. Nate Ehalt is <br />working with Commander Stutz to provide signage on Highway 61 as well as on I-35. <br />The county is also providing signage at the Washington County Service Center to help <br />direct volunteers. <br />Scott Anderson is ordering porta-potties for the clean-up event. <br />Building inspectors completed their inspections yesterday and will continue to credential <br />contractors throughout this week. <br />Public Works Director talked about debris removal. Refuse would be removed on <br />Sunday by haulers by 8:00 a.m. <br />Housing was available for affected residents. City clerk Michele Lindau has a list. <br />Salvation Army will assist residents with their search. <br />Salvation Army provided food and beverages to approximately 500-600 yesterday. <br />Simek's will provide food to the Salvation Army for the Saturday event. <br />Forest Lake, Chisago City and Hugo Lions will give food and work with the Salvation <br />Army for Saturday's clean-up event. <br />Daycare will be available on Saturday at Oneka Elementary, Kids Place, and Little <br />Shepard's Lutheran Church. <br />