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City Council Meeting of June 16, 2008 <br />Page 7 of 9 <br />July. <br />Mayor Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to direct staff to review the 500 foot no -shooting buffer <br />around the Paul Hugo Farms Wildlife Management Area, and review how the ordinance applies and <br />impacts that area. <br />Aye: Miron, Petryk <br />Nay: Haas, Puleo, Granger <br />Motion failed. No further action was taken. <br />Discussion on FEMA Updates to the Flood Plain Map — Water Resource Engineer Pete <br />Willenbring. <br />FEMA has been working on updating their flood maps over the past several years. The City received <br />the proposed map revisions from FEMA, which have been reviewed by City Water Resource Engineer <br />Pete Willenbring. Pete explained the updated Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS) were generally used <br />for insurance purposes and often by the request of lending institutions. He gave an overview of the <br />proposed changes, with approximately 406 new parcels designated as being in the floodplain, and the <br />Council discussed how the changes would impact those residents. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to direct staff to get the information on the proposed changes out to <br />the residents. <br />All Aye. Motion carried. <br />Approval of Transition Plan for Home Occupation at 7130 177th Street North (L'Allier) <br />At its October 1, 2007 meeting the City Council considered an application from Jeremy L'Allier to <br />operate a construction business from the property with a home occupation interim use permit. At the <br />meeting the City Council denied Mr. L'Allier's application for an interim use permit to operate a home <br />occupation on the basis that he did not reside on the property. The Council directed Mr. L'Allier to work <br />on reducing the impacts from his business and come back in six months (April 1, 2008) to reapply for an <br />interim use permit. On March 31, 2008 Mr. L'Allier reapplied for an interim use permit for a home <br />occupation as requested by the City Council. Mr. L'Allier met with City staff and also Council Member <br />Frank Puleo on May 14, 2008. Mr. L'Allier stated that he is planning on removing the business from the <br />property. Mr. L'Allier later withdrew his application for the interim use permit and on June 4, 2008 <br />submitted a transition plan to remove the business from the property. Associate Planner Rachel Simone <br />presented the transition plan to the Council. Puleo suggested wording be added to require the light not <br />shine into the neighbor's home and to require the business be removed from the property by December <br />1, 2008. Jeremy L'Allier was present at the meeting, and he agreed to those changes. <br />Miron made motion, Puleo seconded, to approve the transition plan with the changes mentioned above. <br />All Aye. Motion carried. <br />