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MINUTES FOR THE JUNE 20, 2008 HUGO TORNADO DISASTER DEBRIEFING AT <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY <br />The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Deb Paige, Emergency Management Director for <br />Washington County <br />PRESENT: Haas, Petryk, Miron <br />ABSENT: Granger, Puleo <br />ALSO PRESENT: City Administrator Mike Ericson, Community Development Director Bryan Bear, <br />Public Works Director Chris Petree, Senior Engineering Technician Scott Anderson, Disaster <br />Recovery Coordinator Nate Ehalt, and State and County Officials and Agency Representatives <br />Deb Paige presented the after action report and stated the meeting was not intended to critique but to <br />focus on tasks and goals to improve on for future disasters. <br />Ground rules were that only one person talk at a time. <br />Many good things came out of Hugo similar to the I -35W bridge disaster. Discussion was to be about <br />what and why, not who. <br />A staging officer was needed. Jim Compton was the incident commander, Kevin Covard was safety <br />officer and communications officer. <br />There is a need for after -hour phone numbers in the Emergency Management Plan employee lists. <br />Activation, notification, staffing, deactivation and coordination of response were topics that need to be <br />addressed. <br />More radios needed in the first 24 hours. <br />Emergency operations center defined and/or official location to be defined. Meetings are one piece of <br />the effort. <br />MPCA official was critical that no official EOC was staged with flags and signs. <br />NIMS training was important — use command structure. <br />Address life safety issues first, then implement NIMS structure and organization. <br />8:00 a.m. briefing on Monday, May 26 with all agencies and organizations was huge. <br />North Ambulance was critical of number of ambulances empty with out crews <br />Update employees annually <br />Separation and removal of refuse debris was excellent — Lowell from County <br />Define roles of City Council Members versus Mayor and roles of all elected officials. <br />Good that there was a lack of egos in cleanup. <br />