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Hugo City Council Minutes for October 20, 2008 <br />Page 2 of 9 <br />Add Anna Sellner-Wobse to L4 as the new Accounting Clerk <br />Delete K.1 Discussion on Carnelian Marine Saint Croix Watershed District Letter of Support <br />Add L.I Approval of the American Legion Booya on October 26, 2008 <br />All ayes. Motion carried. <br />Presentation of 2008 Excellence Award to City of Hugo from Suburban Community Channels — <br />Rachel Simone & Nate Ehalt <br />On Friday, October 10, 2008, Hugo City officials attended the 2008 Annual Suburban Community <br />Channels (SCC) Excellence Awards Ceremony at K & J Catering in North St. Paul. The City of Hugo <br />had been notified by SCC officials that Associate Planner Rachel Simone and Nathan Ehalt, producer's <br />of the "That's Hugo, Today" public access show, may receive one of SCC's annual awards. Rachel <br />Simone, Nate Ehalt, and City Administrator Mike Ericson attended the 2008 Excellence Awards <br />Ceremony on behalf of the City of Hugo where SCC Executive Director Ted Arbeiter announced that <br />the award for technical excellence, the category which recognizes good camera composition, consistent <br />audio/video levels, and a mixture of both field and studio production, went to the City of Hugo. SCC <br />Executive Director Ted Arbeiter was in attendance at the meeting and presented the award to the City of <br />Hugo on behalf of SCC Studios. Accepting the award was Rachel Simone, Nate Ehalt, and directors <br />Cindra Schmidt as well as Terri Hodges, who was taping and broadcasting the Council meeting this <br />evening. This award recognized only five of more than 150 shows which are produced and directed at <br />the SCC Studios in White Bear Lake on County Road F and Bellaire Avenue. Ted explained SCC <br />studio has an open door policy which welcomes community involvement. The Mayor congratulated <br />Rachel, Nate, Cindra and Terri on this accomplishment. <br />Report on Hugo Garage Project - Lowe's Representative Marcy Weber <br />Employee volunteers from Lowe's home improvement stores completely re -roofed and re -sided the <br />youth garage on a weekend activity on Saturday, September 27, 2008. Lowe's District Manager Brian <br />Fuller was in attendance with Lowe's employee Marcy Weber and Store Manager Chris Puhl. Brian <br />explained the "Heroes Project" is part of their community involvement where employee volunteers <br />complete projects throughout neighboring communities who, in the case of Hugo, have suffered natural <br />disasters like the May 25th tornado. The volunteer employee effort has resulted in a beautifully restored <br />building that houses the youth garage which gives Hugo youths a place to congregate and have an <br />opportunity to play interactive games while enjoying food, fun and fellowship. Lowe's employees <br />volunteered 400 hours for the project and donated many additional items such as a digital flat -screen <br />TV, DVD, WII, Play Station and other games and books for the youth center. Mayor Fran Miron <br />acknowledged this very generous donation and thanked Lowe's employees for all their work. <br />Proclamation for October as Toastmasters Month — Mary Torno <br />City staff has been contacted by the Minnesota Toastmasters regarding their request for support of a <br />proclamation naming October as Toastmasters Month in the State of Minnesota. Toastmasters <br />International is the world's leading organization devoted to communication, public speaking, and <br />leadership skills. It was founded in October of 1924 and has more than 211,000 members in 90 <br />countries with two Toastmasters Clubs in White Bear Lake. The City of Hugo hosted residents and <br />business owners last Friday, October 17 at Hugo City Hall, and it appears there is a strong interest in <br />creating a Hugo Club. Mary Torno, who has been in the White Bear Toastmasters Club since 1980, <br />