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2008.10.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2008 CC Minutes
2008.10.20 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Minutes for October 20, 2008 <br />Page 4 of 9 <br />person's identity. According to this rule, city utilities, including water, are considered "creditors" and <br />are required to establish an Identity Theft Prevention Program by November 1, 2008. The City of <br />Hugo's Identity Theft Prevention Program was developed from the model policy of The Minnesota <br />Municipal Utilities Association (MMUA). Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the City of <br />Hugo's Identify Theft Prevention Program. <br />Approve Appointment of Anna Sellner-Wobse as Accounting Clerk <br />At it's August 18, 2008 meeting, Hugo City Council authorized City staff to advertise for the new <br />position of Accounting Clerk in order to provide support staff to Finance Director Ron Otkin. The City <br />of Hugo received a total of 32 applications for the position. On October 10, 2008, City staff conducted <br />interviews of 17 applicants for the position. After completion of the first round interviews, staff selected <br />four individuals for second round interviews which were conducted on Friday, October 17, 2008 with <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin, Community Development Director Bryan Bear, Administrative Intern <br />Shelly Close, and City Administrator Mike Ericson. Mike thanked the individuals who applied for the <br />position and recommended Anna Sellner-Wobse as the new Accounting Clerk. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved Anna Sellner-Wobse as the Accounting Clerk subject to the standard pre-employment <br />physical and six-month probationary period. <br />Approve Variance for Accessory Building at 14696 Fondant Avenue North — Marsha Bunge <br />Marsha Bunge requested a variance from the accessory building size requirements in the Central <br />Residential Zoning District. The applicant is proposing to construct a 1,536 square foot detached garage <br />where 600 feet is allowed by ordinance. The applicant recently combined two parcels to make one <br />parcel that is slightly less than one acre in size. The detached garage meets all the building setbacks <br />required in the Central Residential district. The garage will be single story and the building will match <br />the existing home on the property. The detached garage will have overhead doors on two sides of the <br />building. There will be a driveway to the garage that will come off the existing driveway to the home. At <br />its October 9, 2008 meeting the Board of Zoning held a public hearing on the request for Marsha Bunge. <br />There was no one that spoke at the public hearing, besides the applicant's husband. Staff recommended <br />approval of the variance request to the Board, and the Board unanimously recommended to the City <br />Council approval of the variance. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2008-45 <br />APPROVING VARIANCES FOR MARSHA BUNGE IN THE CENTRAL RESIDENTIAL ZONING <br />DISTRICT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 14696 FONDANT AVENUE NORTH. <br />Approve Code Text Amendment to Allow Food Service in Residential Service District <br />At its March 5, 2008 meeting, the City Council authorized staff to draft a text amendment to allow a <br />restaurant use in the Residential Service (RS) zoning district. This was also discussed with the site plan <br />application for the former "End Zone" site. The applicant stated that they may want to have a restaurant <br />user as a tenant in their retail center. The Planning Commission discussed restaurant uses in the RS <br />zoning district and stated that the restaurant could serve alcohol but should have a closing time at about <br />10 pm. Staff drafted an ordinance that created a new restaurant category called Neighborhood Food <br />Services. This use is proposed to be permitted in the RS district. This new category will have <br />performance standards that limit hours of operation, which will discourage certain types of restaurants <br />such as bars. At its October 9, 2008 meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the <br />ordinance text amendment. There was no one that spoke at the public hearing on the text amendment. <br />The Planning Commission discussed where or not outdoor seating should be allowed. Staff <br />
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