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Hugo City Council Minutes for November 3, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Approval of Claims <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Claims Roster as presented. <br />Approve Auto Dismantling License for Hugo Auto and Truck Parts — Mike Brandt <br />The City of Hugo has received an application for the bi-annual Auto Dismantling License from Mike <br />Brandt, dba Hugo Auto and Truck Parts. As a requirement of the license, City staff makes an annual <br />inspection of the auto dismantling company for compliance with city, county, and state code. On <br />Wednesday, October 29, 2008, Hugo City staff completed an inspection of Hugo Auto and Truck Parts <br />and found it to be in compliance with City Code as well as County regulations. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the bi-annual Auto Dismantling License for Hugo Auto Parts and owner Mike Brandt, <br />which will expire in 2010. <br />Approve Reduction of Letter of Credit for Victor Gardens North 5th Addition <br />Rottlund Homes, developer, has requested the City reduce the letter of credit being held for the newly <br />constructed public and private improvements in the Victor Gardens North 5th development. Public <br />Works Director Scott Anderson has inspected the work and recommended approval of the reduction of <br />the letter of credit. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the reduction of the letter of credit being <br />held for the newly constructed improvements in the Victor Garden North 5th development to $22,750.00. <br />Approve Termination of Probationary Hugo Firefighter Chris Elletson <br />Chris Elletson was hired by the Hugo Fire Department in 2005 as a probationary fire fighter. Following <br />several extensions of his probation period, Fire Chief Jim Compton has terminated Chris Ellison due to <br />failure to pass the mandatory probation classes and moving out of the City of Hugo without providing <br />notification or letter of his intent. Fire Chief Jim Compton met with Chris last Friday, and Chris <br />returned all issued City equipment. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the termination of <br />Probationary Fire Fighter Chris Elletson. <br />Approval of the Award of Sale of Old Fire Trucks <br />The City of Hugo received sealed bids for a 1974 International 1800 tanker truck and a 1974 <br />International 1910 pumper truck. Bids were opened on Friday October 31, 2008, and two bids were <br />received. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the award of the sale of the old fire trucks to <br />Working Boy Motors for $400 for the 1974 tanker truck and $375 for the 1974 pumper truck. <br />Update on the Long Term Tornado Disaster Committee and November 18 Phases of Disaster <br />Presentation and Discussion at Oneka Elementary School <br />The Long Term Tornado Disaster Recovery Committee has been meeting regularly for the past four <br />month to assist residents and survivors of the tornado disaster with any unmet needs as well as to help <br />residents rebuild their lives with assistance from the City, agencies, and Social Worker Kyle Johnson. <br />Administrative Intern Shelly Clausen reported to Council the work completed to date as well as the <br />efforts of the Committee to organize another town hall meeting with tornado disaster survivors on <br />Tuesday, November 18, 2008 from 5:45 — 8:15 p.m. at Oneka Elementary School to take residents <br />through the phases of rebuilding their families lives with grief counseling and information sharing. <br />Administrative Intern Shelly Clausen explained the committee was continuing to meet once a week, and <br />