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Hugo City Council Minutes for November 3, 2008 <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />November 15, 2008 to prepay assessment without incurring interest. After November 15th, checks <br />would be issued to those who have paid, and money would be applied to the assessment of those who <br />have not paid. Jim Kellison thanked the Council for following through with this reimbursement. <br />Haas made motion, Puleo seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2008-47 APROVIDING THE <br />DISTRIBUTION OF EXCESS CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR THE 129TH STREET AND <br />OAKSHORE PARK PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS. <br />Ayes: Haas, Puleo, Miron <br />Abstain: Granger, Petryk <br />Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Letter of Support for Washington County and Hugo Fire Department for National <br />Disaster Preparedness Academy in Washington, D.C. <br />Washington County Emergency Management Director Deb Paige has been working with the <br />Washington County Fire Chiefs Association in preparation of a grant application to fund a delegation of <br />City and County officials to attend the National Disaster Preparedness Academy in Washington, D.C. in <br />2010. The County's Fire Chief Association is seeking a letter of support from the City of Hugo for the <br />attendance of City officials which would include members of the Hugo Fire Department. The grant <br />covers the cost of the airline flight and housing, and the only cost to the City would be $125 for a one- <br />week meal ticket. This Academy is recognized nationwide as the premier emergency management <br />training center for police, fire, public works, elected and appointed city officials. Fire Chief Jim <br />Compton stated his desire to send six members of the Fire Department to the academy if they receive <br />this grant. <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, to send a letter of support for the grant to Washington County <br />for its application on behalf of the Washington County Fire Chiefs Association for attendance at the <br />National Disaster Preparedness Academy in Washington, D.C. <br />All ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Support of City of Scandia's Resolution on Green Acres Legislation <br />At its October 6, 2008 meeting, Hugo City Council discussed with City Assessor Frank Langer the <br />change in Green Acres legislation that was approve by the 2008 Minnesota State Legislature and the <br />effect on homeowners and property owners in the City of Hugo. Mayor Fran Miron reported that this <br />Legislation had been approved with not a full and complete understanding of affected property owners, <br />and that changes would need to be made in the 2009 Minnesota State Legislature. The City of Scandia <br />has adopted a resolution supporting changes to State Statute on the Green Acres Law and requested that <br />the City of Hugo adopt a same or similar resolution thereby requesting State Senator Ray Vandeveer and <br />Representative Bob Dettmer take action and make the necessary changes. <br />Miron made motion, Puleo seconded, to direct staff to prepare a resolution requesting the State <br />Legislature reconsider or delay changes in the Minnesota Green Acres Law. <br />All ayes. Motion carried. <br />