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to a public non-exclusive easement for public road purposes over the Westerly <br />Fifty (50.00) feet thereof. <br />AND <br />(3) The South One Hundred (100.00) feet of the North Two Hundred (200.00) feet <br />of that part of the Northeast Quarter (NE 114) of Section Seventeen (17) in <br />Township Thirty-one (31) North, of Range Twenty-one (21) West, Washington <br />County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the <br />Easterly right of way line of Minnesota State Trunk Highway No. 61 and the East <br />and West quarter line of said Section Seventeen (17) thence Northerly along <br />said Easterly right of way line Seven Hundred Sixty-six (766.00) feet to the point of <br />beginning of the parcel to be described; thence continuing along said right of <br />way line, Six Hundred (600.00) feet; thence on a deflection angle of 77 degrees <br />45 minutes to the right, Four Hundred Sixty-four and Ninety-two Hundredths <br />(464.92) feet; thence on a deflection angle of 102 degrees 15 minutes to the <br />right, Six Hundred (600.00) feet; thence on a deflection angle of 77 degrees 45 <br />minutes to the right of Four Hundred Sixty-four and Ninety-two Hundredths <br />(464.92) feet to the point of beginning. <br />All according to the United States Government Survey thereof. <br />Abstract property <br />