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RESOLUTION NO. 2002-57 <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUGO, <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, CONCERNING CULVERT REPLACEMENT <br />ON JUDICIAL DITCH NO.2 <br />WHEREAS, as part of a proposed cooperative agreement between Washington <br />County, the City of Hugo and the Rice Creek Watershed District for the replacement of certain <br />culverts on Judicial Ditch #2, the City of Hugo is: <br />1. Required to consider and approve final plans and specifications for the <br />replacement of two culverts within the City of Hugo (at 157m Street and 16P Street). <br />2. To consider and approve a proposed award of a bid for the culvert <br />replacement work to Jay Brothers Construction by the Rice Creek Watershed District. <br />3. To accept the grant of State Bridge Bond Funds by the Minnesota <br />Department of Transportation. <br />4. To acknowledge that expenditures for work conducted in the City of Hugo <br />which is within the scope of the plans, specifications and bid which may be in excess of the State <br />Bridge Bond Fund grant are the responsibility of the City of Hugo. <br />WHEREAS, the City of Hugo is desirous of accomplishing the foregoing tasks and <br />therefore makes the following resolution. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF HUGO, <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA AS FOLLOWS: <br />1. The plans and specifications prepared by the Rice Creek Watershed District <br />for the replacement of the 157x` Street and 165'b Street culverts within the City are hereby approved <br />2. The City of Hugo concurs with the proposed award of the bid for <br />construction of the culvert work to Jay Brothers Construction. <br />3. The City of Hugo accepts the State Bridge Bond Fund Grant from the <br />Minnesota Department of Transportation. <br />4. The City of Hugo agrees to assume any cost for work done on the culverts <br />within the City of Hugo, which is within the scope of the plans, specifications and bid for the project <br />in excess of the monies provided by the State Bridge Bond Fund. <br />