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CITY OF HUGO <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1997-6 <br />A RESOLUTION EARMARKING $23,000.00 FOR WETLAND IMPROVEMENTS. <br />WHEREAS, the City has entered into an agreement for the <br />construction of a new post office. As a part of that plan, 150th <br />Street North will need to be constructed; and, <br />WHEREAS, due to the construction of 150th Street North, <br />approximately 23,332 square feet of replacement wetland will need <br />to be created; and, <br />WHEREAS, the approximate cost of constructing said wetland <br />areas is $23,000.00; and, <br />WHEREAS, the City had offered to post said money with the Rice <br />Creek Watershed District as an escrow to guarantee payment for the <br />wetland mitigation; and, <br />WHEREAS, the Rice Creek Watershed District has requested that <br />the City simply earmark said funds for the mitigation work and is <br />requesting that the money not be escrowed. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the foregoing, the following <br />resolution was duly made, seconded and approved: <br />1. That City Staff is hereby directed to earmark $23,000.00 <br />of money to be dedicated to the purpose of constructing 23,332 <br />square feet of wetlands in accordance with the wetlands <br />conservation act of 1991, and as approved by the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District no later than November 1, 1998. <br />2. The City shall proceed forward with the wetland <br />mitigation as more fully outlined in that letter dated March 10, <br />1997, from City Administrator Bob Museus to Ms. Kate Drewry of the <br />Rice Creek Watershed District (and attached hereto as Exhibit "A"). <br />WHEREUPON, a vote being taken upon the motion, the following <br />members voted in favor: <br />Debra Barnes, Andrew Goiffon, James Leroux, Fran Miron <br />the following voted against: <br />Debi Johnson <br />