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M <br />RESOLUTION 1997-21 <br />A RESOLUTION GRANTING AUTHORITY TO OPERATE AND <br />MAINTAIN A SNOWMOBILE TRAIL IN THE CITY OF HUGO <br />WHEREAS, the Hugo Snowmobile Club, an affiliate of the Washington County Star Trail <br />Association, has submitted an application under Hugo City Code, Chapter 181, to operate <br />and maintain a snowmobile trail at the location described below; and <br />WHEREAS, the applicant has demonstrated that the construction, operation, and <br />maintenance of the proposed trail fulfills the requirements of said ordinance; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br />OF HUGO, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA that operation of the snowmobile <br />trail as proposed is warranted, feasible, and in the best interests of the community, and <br />therefore, authorizes the construction, operation, and maintenance of the trail described as <br />follows: <br />OPERATOR: Hugo Snowmobile Club/Washington County Star Trail Association <br />ADDRESS: James Harrison, President, Hugo Snowmobile Club, 1777 Edgerton Street, <br />Maplewood, MN 55109 <br />TRAIL DESCRIPTION: Upon the Washington County Trail corridor adjacent to, and <br />west of, Forest Boulevard, from Frenchman Road to 180th St. <br />DURATION OF PERMIT: October 1, 1997 to April 31, 1998 <br />SPECIAL CONDITIONS: <br />1. This trail is subject to the approval of Washington County as the owner of the trail <br />right-of-way. <br />2. The operator shall hold the City of Hugo harmless for the operator's use of the trail. <br />The operator shall maintain liability insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per <br />occurrence for the duration of this permit, naming the City of Hugo as an additional <br />insured. <br />3. The operator shall groom and maintain the trail, as required, to insure the safe passage <br />of snowmobiles and other authorized users. <br />4. The operator shall institute a public education program, including trail patrols, to <br />inform the public of City regulations regarding use of the trail. <br />5. The operator shall post 15 mph speed limit signs on the trail 100 feet from all inhabited <br />dwellings. <br />6. Signs shall be posted at all trail entrances to Hugo stating that it is unlawful to operate <br />a snowmobile in the City during the following times: Sunday through Thursday from <br />