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CITY OF HUGO <br />RESOLUTION 1997-25 <br />A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF <br />HEALTH STUDY OF MOBILE HOME PARKS <br />WHEREAS, The State of Minnesota has assumed responsibility for the <br />regulation of mobile home parks through the Minnesota Department of Health; <br />WHEREAS, serious issues face mobile home park residents and their host <br />communities related to general living and housing conditions and public safety; <br />WHEREAS, the League of Minnesota Cities is proposing legislation which would <br />require the Minnesota Department of Health to conduct a statewide study of <br />mobile home park issues and to develop proposed solutions for these issues. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: The Hugo City Council declares its <br />support for adoption by the Minnesota Legislature of the legislation proposed by <br />the League of Minnesota Cities requiring the Minnesota Department of Health to <br />conduct a statewide study of mobile home parks. <br />Upon roll call, the following members voting AYE: Warren Arcand, Andrew <br />Goiffon, James Leroux, Fran Miron <br />VOTING NAY: NONE <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted this 15th day of <br />December, 1997. <br />Wow tod- <br />•r- . <br />ATTEST: <br />11 <br />Mary & Creager, City <br />