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RESOLUTION 1997 - 26 <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING PAYABLE 1998 <br />FINAL LEVY CERTIFICATION <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUGO, <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that the following sums of money be <br />levied for the current year, payable in 1998, upon the taxable <br />property in the City of Hugo, and certified to the Washington <br />County Auditor -Treasurer for collection: <br />General Revenue <br />$ 881,707 <br />1988 CIP Bonds <br />67,393 <br />1990 IPC Bonds <br />39,133 <br />1991 IMP Bonds <br />85,515 <br />Total Certified Levy $1,073,748 <br />Upon roll call, the following members voting AYE: Barnes, <br />Goiffon, Leroux, Arcand and Miron. <br />Upon roll call, the following members voting NAY: None. <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted this <br />16th day of December, 1997. \ <br />iron, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />G4-sv <br />Mary Creager, C' Clerk <br />