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RESOLUTION 93-8 <br />RESOLUTION VACATING DESCRIBED ROADWAY LOCATED IN RICE LAKE MEADOWS <br />WHEREAS, a portion of roadway located in the RICE LAKE MEADOWS was <br />declared unsafe by the Hugo City Council, and <br />WHEREAS, that same portion of roadway, when vacated, will better serve <br />future development for the area west of Geneva Avenue; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HU8O, <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that the following described roadway be <br />vacated: <br />That part of Geneva Avenue North and 145th Street North, which lies <br />southwesterly of and adjacent to Outlot B, RICE LAKE MEADOWS, Washington <br />County, Minnesota, <br />and which lies northerly of the westerly extension of the south line of <br />said Outlot B, <br />and which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of <br />said Qutlpt B, <br />' ' ~ <br />and' hih lies northeasterly of a line described as follows: <br />Beginning ^ ' a* ' lit on said westerly extension of the south line of <br />Out `B,' ��` tant 20 feet East of its intersection with said southerly <br />extem ioi of`the�Qest line of Outlot B; thence Northwesterly 28.19 feet to <br />a point.on said southerly extension of the west line of Outlot B, distant <br />20 feet North of its intersection with said westerly extension of the <br />south line of Outlot B and said line there terminating. <br />Upon roll call, members voting AYE: Barnes, Brunotte, Leroux, Miron, <br />Stoltzman <br />Voting NAY: None <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted this 21st day of <br />June, 1993. <br />Walter L. Stoltzmak, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary A eager, City <br />BY THE HUGQ CITY CODICIL. <br />z7 <br />.' ..� <br />� <br />' <br />