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RESOLUTION 93-9 <br />ESTABLISHES REQUIREMENTS FOR SIDE YARD SETBACKS FOR GARAGES <br />IN THE CITY'S RR1, RR2, SFE, SFU ZONING DISTRICTS. <br />WHEREAS, Hugo City Code, Chapter 320-4, Subd. 0(8), establishes <br />requirements for side yard setbacks in the City's RR1, RR2, SFE, and SFU <br />Zoning Districts, and <br />WHEREAS, Hugo City Code, Chapter 320-5, Subd. H(5), states "accessory <br />buildings in the RR1, RR2, SFE, and SFU districts shall be located not <br />less than 5 feet from the side and rear lot lines," and <br />WHEREAS, the Guidelines for Accessory Buildings in the Various Zones, <br />page 26 of the zoning ordinance, establishes various limitations on the <br />sizes of accessory buildings in the City's zoning districts, with <br />requirements for special use permits if the accessory building exceeds the <br />size limitations stated, and <br />WHEREAS, the Hugo City Code, Chapter 320-3, Subd. B(2) defines <br />accessory use as, "a use subordinate to the main use of the land or <br />building on a lot customarily incidental thereto, an accessory use may be <br />permitted or a special use", and <br />WHEREAS, Hugo City Code, Chapter 92-278 permits garages up to 1,000 <br />sq. ft. as accessory structures in certain zoning district of the City, <br />permitting residential development, and <br />WHEREAS, Hugo City Code, Chapter 320-5, Subd. H (2) states, "an <br />accessory building shall be considered an integral part of the building, <br />if it is located less than six feet from the principal building", and <br />WHEREAS, in order to provide consistency in the application of the <br />City's zoning ordinance, it is necessary to clarify the setback <br />requirements for garages in the City's zoning ordinance; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUGO, WASHINGTON <br />COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that garages located in the City's RR1, RR2, SFE, and <br />SFU zoning districts are permitted accessory uses under Ordinance 92-278, <br />and such garages shall meet the required setbacks for the principal <br />building, as determined for each district based on Hugo City Code, Chapter <br />320-4, Subd. 0(8). Where a property owner can prove hardship, the Council <br />may grant a variance to the setback requirements. <br />AND FURTHER, accessory bui1dings, other than garages, constructed in <br />accordance with City Ordinance 92-278, shall be governed by the Guidelines <br />for Accessory BUildings in the Various Zones, Chapter 320-4 of the City <br />Code, and such accessory buildings shall be permitted under the setback <br />requirements of Chapter 320-5, Subd. H(5). <br />AND FURTHER, garages shall be considered structures primarily designed <br />for the housing of automobiles, with established direct access to a public <br />street. Only one garage shall be recognized for each lot or parcel. <br />Upon roll call, the members voting AYE: Barnes, Brunotte, Leroux, Miron, <br />Stoltzman <br />Voting NAY: None <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted this 21st day of <br />June, 1993. <br />Walter L. StoltzmA , Mayor <br />ATTEST <br />Mary Creager, City rk <br />