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RESOLUTION 1993-15 <br />RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES AND TARGET <br />POLLUTION LOADS FOR SURFACE WATERS IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 473.157 establishes management objectives <br />and target pollution loads for surface waters in the State of Minnesota, <br />and requires that the Metropolitan Council prepare a water resources plan <br />that indicates management objectives and target pollution levels for <br />watersheds in the metropolitan area, and <br />WHEREAS, M.S. 1038.231 requires cities to prepare a plan that states <br />objectives and policies for water quality and identifies alternatives for <br />improving water quality and methods of implementation, and <br />WHEREAS, M.S. 103B.231, Subd. 8 provides that local plans shall be <br />reviewed by the Metropolitan Council "In the same manner and with the same <br />authority and effect as provided for the (Metropolitan) Council's review <br />of the comprehensive plans of local government units.", and <br />WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council has required metropolitan cities to <br />adopt, as part of their comprehensive plans, design standards for new <br />storm water ponds that will reduce the contaminant loadings from surface <br />water runoff, as well as stormwater plans that implement the MPCA's urban <br />"best management practices," titled Protecting Water quality in Urban <br />Areas, or their equivalent. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUG8, <br />MINNESOTA, that the City of Hugo's Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended by <br />adding "goal number 12° as follows: <br />12. The City of Hugo will apply National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) <br />standards, or their equivalent, for the design of new storm water <br />ponds and the MPCA's urban best management practices titled, <br />Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas, or its equivalent, to the <br />review of any proposed development occurring in the City in order to <br />reduce nonpoint pollutant loadings in storm water runoff. To <br />implement this policy, the City of Hugo will incorporate these <br />standards and requirements in its stormwater management plan and land <br />use controls by December 1, 1994. The Metropolitan Council will be <br />notified after the amendments have been adopted. <br />Members voting AYE: Barnes, Leroux, Miron, Stoltzman <br />Members voting NAY: NONE <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted this 1st day of <br />November, 1993. <br />Walter L. Stoltzman, Mayor <br />ATTEST: = <br />Ma Creager, Ci lerk <br />