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. <br />RESOLUTION 1991-2 <br />RESOLUTION FORMING AD HOC LITIGATION REVIEW COMMITTEE. <br />WHEREAS, The City Council acknowledges receipt of a letter from <br />Schumann's legal counsel indicating a desire to negotiate a settlement <br />which has the potential of minimizing the scope of the current litigation <br />and thereby reducing further legal budgetary expenditures, and <br />WHEREAS, A negotiation of this nature would provide an opportunity for <br />our council members to become familiar with the merits of the litigation <br />at hand, and <br />WHEREAS, This forum may provide an opportunity to seek local solutions <br />to local problems and enhance our desire to bring about unity over an <br />issue which has long divided our community; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUG8, <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA: <br />That a committee be formed to attempt to negotiate a settlement between <br />the City of Hugo and Mr. and Mrs. Schumann. The commit'tee shall consist <br />of three individuals, namely Fran Miron, who shall serve as the <br />chairperson, Charles Johnson, and Thomas Jesinski. This committee shall <br />meet and report back to the council at their next regular meeting. <br />Members Voting AYE: Brunotte, Miron, Stoltzman <br />Members Voting NAY: Jesinski and McAllister <br />Whereupon said resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of January, <br />1991. <br />Mar y Creager, City E91 -k <br />Walter Stoltzmano' Mayor <br />