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RESOLUTION 1991-6 <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SIX-MONTH EXTENSION OF CITY <br />ADMINISTRATOR EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT <br />WHEREAS, The employment agreement with Mr. Ken Huber (Administrator) <br />expires on June 30, 1991; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council agreed to notify the Administrator'six months <br />prior to expiration of said agreement as to whether or not they are <br />desirous of extending the agreement; and <br />WHEREAS, City has failed to provide said notice, to date; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council deems it desirable to extend said agreement for <br />six months to facilitate completion of the various projects and programs <br />that are being undertaken by the City during the 1991 calendar year; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUGOv WASHINGTON <br />COUNTY, MINNESOTA, as follows: <br />1. The employment agreement with City Administrator Huber be extended <br />from July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991. <br />2. The City shall notify the Administrator no later than September 1. <br />1991 of its intent to extend this agreement beyond the period <br />specified herein. <br />3. Section 3A and 5A of Employment Agreement is deleted after July 1, <br />1991. <br />Upon roll call, the following Councilmembers voting AYE: Brunotte, <br />Jesinski, McAllister, Stoltzman <br />Voting NAY: Fran Miron <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted this 6th day of <br />May, 1991. <br />Walter Stoltzman,,UMayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary n Creager, C' Clerk <br />