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1991.05.20 RESO 1991-0008
City Council
City Council Resolutions
1991 CC Resolutions
1991.05.20 RESO 1991-0008
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City Council
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RESOLUTION 1991-8 <br />RESOLUTION AMENDING BASIC PERSONNEL POLICY OF THE CITY OF HUGO AS <br />ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION 1988-17 <br />BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Hugo, Washington County, <br />Minnesota, that the basic personnel policy of the City, adopted by <br />Resolution 19ee-17 be in, and is hereby amended, by adding Subdivision <br />22A.. entitled "Jury Duty". which shall read as follows: <br />Full-time and regular part-time employees called for jury duty will be <br />excused from their work upon providing their immediate supervisor with a <br />copy of the Jury Summons. While on such leave, the employees are <br />compensated in one of two ways: <br />1. If they keep their jury duty fee, they are paid the difference between <br />such fees and the compensation they receive for their regularly <br />scheduled, normal work days. <br />2. If they sign over all jury duty fees to the City, they are paid for <br />their regularly scheduled, normal work days. <br />Employees excused from jury duty, prior to their departments normal <br />quitting time, should call their immediate supervisor, who will advise <br />them whether or not to report to work. When employees are excused for a <br />full day during their jury -duty service, they must report for work on that <br />day. Failure to do so may be just cause for disciplinary action. Upon <br />completion of jury duty in the P.M. hours, employees are to report to <br />their department on the next regularly scheduled, normal work day, and if <br />jury duty is complete in the A.M. hours, the employee shall report to work <br />the same day. All jurors are provided with an attendance form to be <br />completed by the court attendant. Employees on jury duty are required to <br />give this completed form to their immediate supervisor upon return to <br />work. After the supervisor has thereby verified jury -duty service for the <br />leave period, the court attendant's form is returned to the employee. <br />Upon roll call, the following Council members voting AYE: Brunotte, <br />Jesinski, McAllister, Miran, Stoltzman <br />Voting NAY: None <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted this 20th day of <br />May, 1991. <br />Walter L. Stoltzmanf Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary A Creager, City <br />,Aerg; <br />
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