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RESOLUTION 1991-10 <br />RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A WRITTEN POLICY SETTING LOWEST <br />FLOOR ELEVATIONS FOR NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES <br />WHEREAS, it is desirable to establish consistent implementation of minimum <br />floor elevations for new residential construction, and <br />WHEREAS. the City has been constantly faced with groundwater and surface <br />water concerns when new development occurs, and <br />WHEREAS, the City has established a policy more strict than that provided <br />for in the City's Flood Plain Management Ordinance; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUGO, <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA: <br />1. That the lowest floor elevation for newly constructed residential <br />structures shall be two (2) feet above the 100 year flood frequency <br />high water mark., or four (4) feet above the high groundwater mark, <br />whichever is greater. <br />2. The lowest floor elevation for structures accessory to residential <br />buildings, and structures defined as agricultural, commercial, or <br />industrial shall be as recommended by the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District and Flood Plain Management Ordinance. <br />Upon roll call the following members voted AYE: Brunotte, Jesinski, <br />McAllister, Miron, Stoltzman <br />Members Voting NAY: NONE <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted this 15th day of <br />July, 1991. <br />Walter L. Stoltz an, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary 61n Creager, Ci& Clerk <br />