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TO: <br />RECEIVEED .. 2 3 1999 <br />September 23, 1991 <br />The Clerk of the City Of Hugo, <br />Please be advised, I have decided not to remain <br />a member of the current City Council. <br />I have found the members•of previous Councils <br />since 1974, always willing to conduct the community <br />business at an open meeting. That style of government <br />is no longer present in Hugo. <br />It is becoming obvious to the "Fully Informed" <br />silent majority of our citizens, that the newest of <br />our elected officals are pursuing a self serving <br />agenda. <br />What concerns me, above all, is the degradation <br />of the ethics of the work enviroment for our <br />professional staff. Ethical, dedicated, and caring <br />people who refuse to prostitute themselves to the <br />clandestine agenda of the Mayor, new Councilmen,.and <br />their "Cafe Comitatus Support Group," will certainly <br />be forced to leave. <br />I know as the Hugo history book is written, this <br />dark chapter will remind us of the real danger to <br />those who long for good government. Indifference and <br />apathy produced Richard Nixon, Spirow Agnew, and <br />their group of misfits who left their mark. <br />The "New Rascals," and their band of pre programmed <br />"Concerned Citizens" will leave theirs. <br />It is with deep regret that I hereby resign the <br />office of Councilmember at Large. <br />J.Michael McAllister <br />c <br />