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RESOLUTION 91-23 <br />RESOLUTION CERTIFYING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS <br />FOR COLLECTION IN 1992 <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hugo, <br />Washington County, Minnesota, that the special assessment rolls <br />as prepared by the City Clerk and attached hereto are correct and <br />are to be placed on the tax rolls for collection in 1992 by the <br />County Auditor of Washington County, Minnesota. <br />Upon roll call, the following members voting AYE: Barnes, <br />Brunotte, Jesinski, Miron and Stoltzman. <br />Upon roll call, the following members voting NAY: None. <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted this <br />19th day of November, 1991. <br />Walter Stoltzman, Mayor <br />A ST: C� <br />Mary Creager, City C <br />