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RESOLUTION 88-22 <br />RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING STREET IMPROVEMENT POLICY <br />AND ADOPTING FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM <br />WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation and Washington <br />County have proceeded with planning for improvements to state and county <br />highways in the City of Hugo, and <br />WHEREAS, man)/ residents of the City have expressed their displeasure <br />with the condition of roads and the need for more permanent improvements <br />to city roads, and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council has identified road improvements as a top <br />priority for the community, and <br />WHEREAS, a five-year capital improvements program has been prepared <br />by the city staff and presented to the City Council, and <br />WHEREAS, the capital improvements program identifies priorities and <br />makes recommendations regarding needed street improvements and financing <br />options, and <br />WHEREAS, the city is in an excellent position to finance $950,000 <br />worth of improvements through tax levy and special assessments for Phase 1 <br />of the capital improvements program, and <br />WHEREAS, the program presented would call for a minimal increase� in <br />the tax levy to Hugo residents amounting to approximately $12.00 per <br />household, <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HU8O, <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA AS FOLLOWS: <br />1. The five year capital improvements program submitted to the City <br />Council and reviewed in detail at a work session on April 21, 1988 be <br />and hereby is adopted. <br />2. The implementation of the capital improvements program is contingent <br />upon the sale of bonds in 1988, assessment of at least 20% of the <br />project to benefitting property owners, and project approvals <br />following the required public improvement hearings. <br />3. Acceptance of the identified maintenance program to serve as a guide <br />in preparation of the annual general fund operating budget for street <br />and road maintenance. <br />4. All future roads dedicated or to be constructed in the City of Hugo be <br />of a bituminous surfacing, and the city accept turn -back roads only if <br />they are surfaced with a permanent material consistent with this <br />policy. <br />Upon roll call the following members voted AYE: Potts, Olson, Vail, <br />Atkinson <br />Upon roll call the following members voted NAY: Peltier <br />ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS 2ND DAY OF MAY, 198,V. <br />ATTEST: <br />