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RESOLUTION NO. 88-29 <br />RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO AUTHORIZE FUNDING <br />FOR THE OLDER ADULT SUBURBAN HOME -SHARE PROGRAM <br />WHEREAS,, the Older Adult Home Share Steering Commission <br />(hereafter referred to as "the Commission") was formed in <br />October, 1985 to study the need for a long-term home share <br />program to serve older adults in suburban St. Paul communities. <br />WHEREAS,, the following communities are members of the <br />Commission: Falcon Heights, Hugo, Little Canada, Maplewood, <br />North St. Paul, Oakdale, Roseville, Vadnais Heights and White <br />Bear Township. <br />WHEREAS, on April 28, 1988, the Commission found: (1) that <br />home sharing is a cost-effective housing alternative for older <br />adults, and (2) that continuation of Lutheran Social Service's <br />Suburban Home -Share program beyond the pilot phase would be in <br />the public interest; <br />WHEREAS, on May 26, 1988, the Home -Share Steering Commission <br />accepted a joint powers agreement to govern the program beginning <br />January 1, 1989 and recommended its approval by each of the named <br />communities; <br />WHEREAS, the proposed maximum fair -share contribution for <br />the city of Hugo would be $158, assuming each of the named <br />parties enters into the joint powers agreement; <br />WHEREAS, supplemental matching funds will be sought in an <br />attempt to reduce each party's proposed fair -share allocation; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: <br />1. The City of Hugo -hereby approves the suburban St. Paul <br />Home -Share Program joint powers agreement dated May 269 1988 and <br />authorizes its mayor to sign the document. <br />2. The City hereby authorizes a +air -share contribution <br />not to exceed 110% of $158, to be submitted in January, 1989 to <br />Lutheran Social Services in accordance with the provisions of the <br />joint powers agreement to fund the suburban St. Paul Home -Share <br />Program from January 1 to December 31, 1989. It is understood <br />that the actual fair -share contribution cannot be determined <br />until each perspective community has indicated whether they will <br />participate. <br />3. The city clerk/administrator is hereby directed to <br />submit this resolution to the Home -Share Steering Commission, C/o <br />Randall Johnson, Department of Community Development, 1830 E. <br />County Road B, Maplewood, Minnesota 55109, an or before September <br />15s 1988. <br />ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS 20TH DAY OF JUNE, 1988. <br />6 <br />Mary An6kreaaer. Citv Cie <br />F Tbi, Ion., <br />nm e nft <br />