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RESOLUTION 88-35 <br />RESOLUTION AMENDING SANITARY SEWER RATES <br />BE * IT RESOLVED BY The City Council of the City of Hugo,, Washington County., <br />Minnesota: <br />CITY SANITARY SEWER RATES SHALL BE SET AS FOLLOWS: <br />I. Sanitary sewer users connected to city water system, and having the <br />city water usage metered, shall be charged the sum of ($32.00) times <br />the number of living units equivalent (REC) plus 100% of the water <br />charge over the minimum charge established for the fall quarter <br />(October, November, December), the amount so established to be charged <br />quarterly. <br />2. Sanitary sewer users not connected to the city water system shall be <br />charged for the use of the sanitary sewer system, the sum of ($35.00) <br />times the number of living units equivalent (REC), and the amount so <br />established to be paid quarterly. In the event the private water <br />supply is metered, or the sewerage flow is metered, the equivalent of <br />the additional charge defined in Paragraph I shall be added and paid <br />quarterly. <br />3. EFFECTIVE DATE. The utility rates established herein for use of the <br />sanitary sewer will become effective for the utility billing period <br />ending 12/31/88v and shall continue in effect until altered by <br />resolution of the City Council or until otherwise altered or changed <br />by operation of law. <br />Upon roll call, the following members voted AYE: Robert Olson., Theodora <br />Peltier, Arthur Potts, Deane Vail, George Atkinson <br />Upon roll call, the following members voted NAY: NONE <br />ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS IST DAY OF AUGUST, <br />. 1988. <br />tki-npXn, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary Creager,, C211,1"x lerk <br />